Claire & Steve's Excellent Adventure
We drove up into the Thar Desert to a small village outside Jaisalmer where we hoiked ourselves onto the back of a camel to go on a trek into the sand dunes. It was great fun although a little uncomfortable in different ways for men and women respectively!
We watched the sun setting from the dunes - it was so quick - before heading back to the village for dinner. We sampled some traditionally made whiskey - Steve obviously sampled more than me - and watched dancers and musicians from the local village perform. We even joined in!!
We and 4 others slept under the stars in the dunes which was a good if cold experience! Got up very early to watch the sunrise before heading into the city of Jaisalmer.
Unfortunately, whatever I ate in the desert did not agree with me and spent the best part of 24 hours either in bed or on the loo. The Delhi belly has finally caught up with me! Steve spent the day with Raju and bought me a lovely silver ankle bracelet which went some way to making me feel better.
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