We decided to do the cultural experience on day 1 and visited 3 museums learning a lot about Brisbane recent history and about Australia as a whole. Day 2 saw us visit The Lone Pine Koala Sancuary. It is a 35min bus ride out of town and is the largest Koala sanctuary in the world. I was really looking forward to seeing the Tasmanian Devil as it was one of the few native animals that we had not already seen. Much to my disappointmnet he was not on display that day (I think he was on holiday, back in Tasmania hopefully) so I will have to wait until we go to Tasmania to see one. It was an enjoyable day and Jo Dolittle really enjoyed the Sheepdog Trials and the Birds of Prey show. The next couple of days we just milled around the shops buying some much needed supplies ie Shower Gel, Washing Powder etc and sitting in bars watching the cricket - I was trying to teach Jo the rules but I think i will give up as she is a lost cause. On day 5 the weather took a change for the worst and it rained for the 1st time for a month. We had took shelter in the cinema to watch 'The Guardian' and it was still raining when we emerged 3 hours later (it was a Kevin Costner film) we were soaked and Jo lost her thong(flip flop for those of you at home - before you get any funny ideas) crossing the road and I had to chase it half a mile down the hill to retrieve it. It was a sight to behold let me tell you. Personally I think she was just after another pair.
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