Today we went up the mountain (again-can't remember the name - see the photo with the name) In the end we both got motos to the bottom of the mountain - I didn't cycle - probably a good thing because I didn't have a map and I'm not sure I would have found it!
It took us 2 and a half hours to get to the top and 1 and a half down. we had a few de-tours on the way up - mainly because we'd expected there to be a walking trail up to the top, which we kept trying to find, but instead we had to walk along the road - which wasn't particularly interesting sadly. There was no other way up there. There wasn't much traffic though - we only saw about 6 cars.
The views from the top were amazing, although Claire wasn't very impressed! I don't think she enjoyed the walk up there very much! She said she'd at least expected to see God in the valley below for the amount of effort we went to, to get up there! It was a fairly steep climb - sweaty work - she did have a point - but I thought the view was worth it. And even though the walk along the road was pretty uneventful (in comparison to a trail) it did mean I didn't have to look at the floor the whole time to see where my feet were going (I tend to fall over a lot when I'm trekking).
Claire complained about her feet a lot - we've established that she's got knock knees and needs to see a chiropodist to get some orthotics to sort her out - either that, or learn how to walk properly! She's currently nursing 2 (fairly small) blisters. She makes me laugh a lot! Not sure how she'll cope with the 2 day trek we've got planned in Sapa! Will try to avoid hills though - it's not much fun just climbing up a big hill and then down again.
Tomorrow we leave to get a 6 hour bus to Na Trang and then a 10 hour train to Danang and then a 30min bus to Hoi An. I'm looking forward to the train - we paid a fortune for it!! $22, so I'm expecting great things from it or there'll be a bitter journal entry next time! Will be in Hoi An on Saturday (21st).
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