Thrusday 2nd Feb 2012.
(above is me hard grafting - the whip lou uses is out of range but that was the 15th acre id done that morning...)
Lou and i were up at 6 and on the road back to picton for the ferry at 7. toni had decided to stay a little longer as he wanted to go whale watching and do a coulple of other things. We arrived at the ferry check-in (after getting a little lost at the terminal and finding out EVERYONE does it) and were told that they were running 1mins late. over an hour later we started to board! The ferry trip was fine, the weather was cloudy wet and windy but it was fine on the ferry, no sea sickness! As soon as we landed we set off straight back to the farm. we arrived about 4pm and no-one was in which meant we could start unpacking and washing! Joyce, the next door neighbour we stayed with had made tea for everyone so we had homemade bread and chicken wings (with an amazing homemade sweet chilli sauce!) and then a pork roast with home made apple sauce (the apples were cut in half and it was delish!) After that we watched some tv before hitting the hay ready to set off on the north island tomoz!!
- comments
Daddyo No more being a gentleman, it's gloves off. Give that Lou girl a damn good thrashing. oh yes and beat her at Monopoly as well!