Only one sleep left before getting on the plane/s home tomorrow, last blog for this trip.
Sunday school went well with us doing Prov 3:5-6, Rev 3:20, God is so big and Eph 4:32 songs with all the children. Then Andrew did a lesson on ‘I am the Gate’ verses of John 10:11&14. He did this by having children come out the front to be the stone wall and leaving the gap where the sheep would enter and then explained how the shepherd would lay down between the gap to stop lions and wolves from getting the sheep in the night. So laying down his life for his sheep just like Jesus did for us.
We again hit a special celebration for the church but this time it was appropriately the Sunday school anniversary so we were able to help by leading the children singing the Ephesians song during the service. After church we were asked again to shake hands with the whole congregation following with the cutting of a celebration cake which we were offered the first slice of.
Mon we went to Champagne beach as tradition encouraged us to do ( so we couldn't disappoint!). Andrew enjoyed been able to spend as much time as he wanted in the water, unfortunately the weather was somewhat over casted so not as warm as in previous years. But before getting out he did see an octopus. I also managed to have good googles and snorkel and lasted much longer than ever before.
Today has been very relaxing again, with just packing otherwise sitting around playing cards, blogging, iPad games before we have made an afternoon tea catch up with Renata, our church connection, in town.
Another successful trip to Vanuatu which we give much praise to God for, there has been many small recognising reasons why we had no team with us but only God knows the full reason and we are sure much positives have/will continue to be seen over the years.
And expect/pray that God will bless us with students/staff in 2018 when we return to these God honouring community.
Photos in album.
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