St's latest entry
Luganville, Vanuatu
Only one sleep left before getting on the plane/s home tomorrow, last blog for this trip.
Sunday school went well with us doing Prov 3:5-6, Rev 3:20, God is so big and Eph 4:32 songs with all the children. Then Andrew did a lesson on ‘I am the Gate’ verses of John 10:11&14. He did this by having children come out the front to be t…
Sonia Sires Praying Sunday school went well today and that your legs are kinder and you sleep better back at the resort. We enjoyed my brother sharing about his Thailand work at our old church this morning. This time last year, I was in Vanuatu with you while he was at our church! Enjoy the last few days of sunshine. It's really cold here. Luv Sonia
re: Tata Presbyterian School & working hardAndrew & Sally Wade Thanks Sonia, we were fortunate not to have the roosters too close to us, only in the distant....but my problem legs probably kept us from sleeping more. Although the sea was great listening too. We were in an empty home which was the house beside where we were last year. Everyone missed you all, Tata students came and asked about their buddies.
re: Tata Presbyterian School & working hardSonia Sires Praise God you are enjoying your time at Tata. What a blessing your time there will be for you, the staff and the students. Praying for you (and hoping you get used to those roosters who crow all night long). Enjoy the sounds of the sea below as you sleep! Are you in the same teacher's lodge? Please pass on my regards to the teachers. Luv Sonia
re: Tata Presbyterian School & working hard