A disturbed nights sleep but then we are not used to doors that don't lock and creaky houses. Anyway up with the alarm and found the sky was blue and the sun was shining. We had breakfast, packed up and hit the beach. The girls had a fab time making sand cities, cheese factories and sandcastles, actually in Elizabeth's case she enjoyed knocking the castles over. Elizabeth then developed a routine for making castles which involved adding superpower on the top. I read my book, Elizabeth played happily next to me and David and Alex were building channels on the shoreline. We spent a couple of hours on the beach before we got Alex changed and walked to the bakery to grab some food for lunch. David and I ate lunch and the girls played on the playpark.
After lunch we loaded the car with the girls and hit the road for the long drive to Adelaide. The journey was long and pretty boring, the roads are very straight ! We decided not to stop on the way as we are all tired and grumpy. We are also fed up with the questions ' Are we nearly there yet ?' and ' Where are we going ?' and then not listening to the answers. This has resulted in the following exchange :
Where are we going ?
Grandma's House (taken from a Dora the Explorer episode)
No where are we going that's real !
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