Elizabeth was in bed and hugging me from the early hours, at least from 4:33am. When it was finally time to get up I sent Eizabeth to find out what the weather was doing and the report was that the sun was hiding behind the clouds. The net result was a pretty grumpy Mummy, mind you I think Alex would test the patience of a saint at the moment.
Breakfast was a big treat as it was part of the room rate so we had a cooked one. It was lovely and very well presented. After breakfast we packed up and left.
We headed out and from the information we picked up at breakfast we called at Cape Otway lighthouse. The drive to the lighthouse was lovely and we saw Koala bears in the Eucalyptus trees and the girls were pretty excited by this. The lighthouse grounds cost us $29 to enter and we found it a little disappointing for the money especially as the map we had had an additional set of attractions relating to Aboriginal culture that were no longer there. We climbed partway up the lighthouse but the last flight was just too steep for the girls to cope with. The whole place needs some work to bring it up to any standard.
After this we headed onto the Otway Fly which is a walkway suspended through the tree canopy of the Otway forest. The walk through this took an hour and it was really pretty high, I went up to the viewing platform above the canopy but I honestly could not cope with it and nearly froze. It was a lovely walk but the girls were both testing at points including a toilet incident. What do you do when a small child starts weeing when you are up this thing? Do you let them do it on the solid and cause a puddle or take them onto the mesh and hope there is no one walking below?
This then led us onto driving the most spectacular section of the Great Oceon Road. We stopped at the 12 apostles viewing area which is pretty large and has good walkways and viewing areas. The apostles themselves are spectacular. We also stopped at the Arch and the Bay of Islands and they were all really impressive, London bridge was viewed on the road and was again really cool. It is amazing how these formations were made.
We arrived in Victoria and found the Victoria Hotel only to find they have no accommodation there. A little help from the owner and other meant we found the accommodation close by, it used to belong to the hotel but now belongs to someone else. The room as we were warned was small and not really appropriate for cooking in so we went out to a nice Pizza place for dinner. The girls behaved really well during the meal and went to bed pretty well.
We are all tired so that their behaviour can be challenging due to a bit more of them and a bit more impatience from us. There are lighter moments like when Elizabeth says things like 'I am a baby cow - mooooo'.
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