Today started fairly early as Alex managed to swing around in bed and take up most of the room, this was swiftly followed by Elizabeth waking up and wanting into bed for snuggles. David was still sleeping in Alex's bed after a night of poor sleep and musical beds. Anyway we had breakfast in the hotel which was accompanied by a futile attempt to access their wireless system. Breakfast was good and we all ate well. The day outside was stunning so we decided to head out to Seal Bay but first Alex and I went for a walk around the town and Elizabeth and David came back to get Elizabeth dressed as she insisted on being Tigger for breakfast. During breakfast a family commented on how lovely the girls were and I overheard them discussing light hair versus dark hair and twins.
The drive to Seal Bay took some time and we arrived at about 11:30am and paid our entry fee. We decided to take the guided beach walk to see the Sea lions as well as do the boardwalk. I had initially thought we would not but the staff assured me that it was fine for the girls to come along. Alex and I went to the loos very carefully as they were long drops, nicer than the NZ DoC ones by far though.
The boardwalks were very well maintained and preserved the surrounding landscape. Partway along we came across the skeleton of a humpback whale which had been washed ashore in 1984. It was a big eerie to say the least. We continued down and had a fabulous view of the sea lions including a mother and her cub lying just underneath the viewing deck. We had very little time here before we had to do a quick trot back up to the top to assemble for the guided walk, Elizabeth ended up riding as she had tired legs. As we waited the day became hotter and was really scorching by the time we reached the beach. We kept within a tight group and were taken to see groups of sea lions from a distance of 10m. The sea lions were pretty sleepy and this is due to the way they live in that they hunt for 3 days and are awake the whole time and then they return to shore for 3 days. They really were magnificent to watch and although fairly lumbering on land they were so graceful in the water. They manage to somehow surf the waves as they come into shore and land beautifully. David was very pleased to have seen them at last. Alex plucked up the courage to ask the ranger what the sea lions eat which was really brave of her and I know took her a lot to do. We gradually walked back to the car and drove to a nearby café and ordered some food, of course everything takes a while when your children insist on removing their shoes at the slightest opportunity. The food also took 45 minutes to come as they were short staffed and they had a whole 2 orders before ours. It was very tasty and we were ready for it when it came. The girls had ice cream for afters and became covered in ick stick very quickly. We then headed back to Kingscote via the beehive honey centre where Alex and I tried out the honey; Elizabeth slept and David felt poorly.
We arrived back and we took the girls for a swim or rather I swam and David watched from the side. It was safe to do, as the pool was empty and small. It was also a bit chilly! After this we came back and the girls were a little hyper so we invoked the magic of the Night Garden. Alex informs me that it is babyish but she still seems to watch it.
Dinner tonight was pizza at Bellas which was tasty and larger than expected. David was not his usual self and is feeling pretty poorly. It is his birthday tomorrow and I hope he feels better for it, after much discussion his birthday this year has been moved and will take place after we return to the UK. David then left the girls and I to finish up so he could get headway on the packing. I then took the girls to the toilet which almost turned into another story. Alex waited in the corridor outside and Elizabeth and I went in. Elizabeth requested to use the toilet unduly performed a wee after which we tried to leave only to find Alex had locked the door from the outside. She had apparently been trying to get in but had locked it instead. I did not panic, well not quite as I tried to figure out what to do that meant Alex was safe trying to find help, that is if she could open the outer door as the handle was touch and go on height. As it was Alex managed to open it much to our relief.
A slow walk to the playpark followed and we spent some time there. What was weird was that Alex wanted to play on the digger in the sandpit and a group of middle-aged people hogged it, they saw her waiting and continued for ages. We then went back to the hotel to help David who is frankly looked appalling on our return. It is now 9:40 and my family are all asleep and I am sat typing and reading my book in relative peace. Tonight I am sharing a bed with Alex which means I will get kicked and grabbed but David may get the sleep he needs to recover.
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