Don't worry about those long gradual "up-hills" on the motorways. When it comes to the dirt roads Cathey will still be doing the same speed, and all those sleek saloon cars will be eating your dust ! Glad everything is working out ...
Nick & Vick
Rob / Inga
How are things going?? Are you up for another 4x4 event before you go.....i think there is a lot more mud about now ;-)
Nick & Vick
Hi! A big thanks to you all for the fab messages. We really love getting them and hope you continue posting them when we are on the road. Also thanks to everyone for the favourable reception and good comments about the site.
We hope you enjoy the new layout and all the new material on the site and appologies for any "technical difficulties" you may have experienced while the site was being upgraded. Now appears to all be sorted and running smoothly!
New features mean you can now email us through the site - see the new contacts page. This will help us to keep in touch with you all when we are away so hope you use this function.
Otherwise our contacts list has been enabled so you should now receive automatic email notifications everytime we update the site. If you would like to have your email added to this list post a message or send us an email. (otherwise you can use the RSS function if you know anything about this?)
Lastly apologies to Karl-Heinz for spelling his name incorrectly in previous postings on the site.
Hope to see you all on the site soon
The Southward Team - Rob, Inga & Cathey
Eve Lovell
Hello Rob, Inga and Cathey,
I was just looking at the new pics and noticed how great Cathey is looking, well you've done a fab job with her, she and I have past history... she ment a lot to me, keep her going and have fun!
Wishing you all good times toghether and happy adventures, take care.
Kind regards
I like your site; the travel itineraries and feedbacks make for entertaining reading and this way I actually get to see where you live, what you're up to - and why :-). Wish you luck, patience and preserverance for the planning, packing and the sleepless nights that are bound to still lie ahead.
Hey Bobster and Ings,
Great website!!!And Cathey is awesome!!!Soooooo jealous but stoked for the two of you that you get to do such an amazing trip!!!!!
Love ya both madly xxxxx
Hi there, this is a great website keep us posted. Lotsa love & luck
Hey what a nice website and wow impressive wheels you got youself. Total niceness ;-)
I'm really looking forward to following your trip - pitty that you7we have to wait until December huh?
Good luck preparing and groete from Munich.
Hallo ihr 2
Riesen Lob an eure mega hammer tolle Website. Ich wünsche euch sehr viel Glück, schöne Erlebnisse und viel Spass auf eurer grossen Reise durch den Kontinent.
Ich hoffe, wir sehen uns noch in London, damit ich mich noch persönlich von euch verabschieden kann. wäre schön.
Bis bald, liebe Grüsse, eure Christina
Nick- Lone Wolf
Great Website! Looks like a whole load of expeditions will be starting along similar routes in January! May have to go in convoy!!
Check us out on
Keep up the good progress.
Nick & Vicki
Hey guys,
Really nice site and it was good to see you both this weekend - hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. We will add a link from our site to yours. Bye for now. Nick & Vick
The Duks
Hi guys
Firstly best of luck with the trip homea and have a great time. Information availabel on