looks like we are just ahead of you. we crossed yesterday and stayed in chefchaouen, highly recommend
we are in Fes now.
text me if you are close/ do you have the number?
Cant believe you're in Algeciras, spent a good few hours there on our way to Morocco. Memories! Hope you have a good trip from here onwards - great to keep updated on your trip, stay safe and see you in DEC!
Greetings from the wetness that is Buckinghamshire!
Angi and Adrian
Becs & Owen Plus The One On The Way!
Hey you two
Sorry that we couldnt catch up before you left, as I have explained our ski trip wasnt particularly well timed (for me at least!). Or depending on your point of view, it was Little Virrill number one that wasnt well timed! Im sure your trip will be fantastic and we both wish you all the very best for it. Stay safe out there, love ya, Becs xx
Oh yes, and you're 6 days closer to us!!!!! Come on Cathey!
Bon voyage to a VERY brave couple - hope the prawns were good in San Sebastian. Luvya lots
Hi you guys. Miss you already. We had loads of snow yesterday and its freezing!!! Hope the first few days of your adventure are going well.I've sent you an email to catch you up on my news Ings
Love fi and Jaco.
Hallo ihr beiden !!
Ich hoffe, ihr hattet einen guten Start für euren langen Trip! Ist das Pulver noch rechtzeitig angekommen? Ich wünsche euch viel Glück und Spass auf eurer Reise!
Liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz, Christina
Papa Und Mama
hallo ihr beiden, alles gute fuer morgen und gute pad.
mama und papa
Anton, Lee-Ann & Ashlene
Hi Rob & Inga
Just wishing you all the best for your trip. We have really enjoyed your website so far and look forward to your progress reports to come.
Quick question I've always wondered - you might be able to answer over the next few months. In north africa they drive on the right and in southern africa we drive on the left. Somewhere in between one must swop sides. With a little imagination this could turn out disastrous. I wonder where it happens and how they do it, keeping in mind that some of our african neighbours have the wheel spinning but their hampsters were mumified yonks ago.
Proceed with caution i say, any way if you can make that transition and back to SA, aparently some chaps down here are looking for a couple or a lot of stadium builders - Know any.
Anton, Lee-Ann and Ashlene
Rob & Ally
Woops with ref to last msg. Hotel Independance is not in Sevare, its in SEGOU.
Rob & Ally
Rob And Ally
hope you get this before you leave. wishing you the best of times and heaps of fun. hello from burkino faso. if you end up in sevare in mali, make sure you stay at the hotel l'independance. you can camp in the car park and use the pool. real nice. have fun. mali is fab!
ally and rob
Iris Und Dieter
Hallo Inga und Rob,
liebe Grüße aus Ratingen, Germany. Wir haben soeben mit Antje telefoniert und erfahren, dass ihr nun bald losfahrt. Wir wünschen Euch viel Erfolg, keine Pannen und das alles so klappt, wie ihr euch das vorstellt. Wir werden eure Reise natürlich auf eurer Homepage verfolgen. Wir sind schon richtig gespannt. Wir haben auch erfahren, dass ihr jetzt verlobt seid und demnächst heiratet. Das finden wir richtig gut. Da wir uns vorgenommen haben, in 2008 wieder einen Afrikaurlaub zu machen, werden wir uns das zeitlich so einrichten und unsere Tour im April planen. Dieses Jahr sind wir in der ersten Juniwoche bei Elke und Joe in der Provence mit 7 weiteren Motorradfahrern und wir werden sicherlich schönen Touren dort fahren und uns wohl fühlen im Steinhaufen bei Elke und Joe. Wir freuen uns schon darauf und die beiden auch.
Macht es gut Ihr beiden und toi toi toi für eure Reise.