Diesel & Dust
Things we learnt on our trip round the UK:
- 1. You can't escape UK bank holiday weekend traffic jams (or any other weekend for that matter). 3 hrs on the M4 leaving London and who knows how long sat in traffic on the M1 on the way back
- 2. People are not exagerating about the midges in Scotland as we thought they might have been. I would even have bought one of those "head-net" hats if I had seen one, no matter how stupid they might look. Maybe it was just because we weren't used to them but they really gave us a hard time - getting everywhere, into noses, ears, mouths etc.... and leaving us covered in bites! A bit like mosquitoes but a lot smaller and luckily for us no malaria either otherwise there wouldn't be anyone left alive up there. Once we got used to dealing with them - covering up, citronella candles, mosquitoe coils, bug spray etc it wasn't too bad & luckily also only had them for 2 nights.
- 3. Our Howling Moon side awning is pretty indestructable! This we learnt one morning packing up camp when it launched itself over the roof when a sudden gust of wind came up unawares. The awning took off like an aeroplane wing and wrapped itself over the roof rack. It looked like there would be no stopping it and it would be gone for good but luckily it held together in one piece and came to rest on the opposite side of the Landy with poles sticking up in the air. Hint to anyone - if you have one of these and there is a bit of wind around put the pole feet pegs in the ground as it will save you a big fright!
- 4. Steep, windy Scottish highland roads might not always have been to Cathey's liking but overall she went well. Although we weren't doing too many overtaking manouvers, except for farm tractors, Cathey ate up the miles fairly easily. Except for long, gentle uphills on motorways which are really hard work.
- 5. Some Irish minor roads are more similar to African road conditions than you might think so maybe good practise for Africa???
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