When Fede at the hostel told us that a 'Lizard Park' was quite close to the hostel, I knew that would be heading there. So that's where we went after breakfast. We couldn't find any iguanas, nor could we find the Hilton hotel where we had to buy a polo shirt it from 'Lonesome George & Co.' We ended up taking a $5 taxi to the hotel, found that the shop is no longer there and grumbled. We did explore that part of town though - a huge shopping centre, Mall del Sol, is where we ended up finding Cinnabons and eating lunch. It is also where we found an old lady crafts shop that sold cheap sewing kits. Such language barrier though! The Señorita had the thickest accent and for the life of me I could not understand the price she was telling - then yelling - at me. Slow down, lady, don't get angry! We taxied back to the Lizard Park - we were not allowed to leave until we found an iguana (and we did find one). They look very odd now that I'm used to the Galapagos versions. Weird what not having predators does to an animal. We went back to the hostel afterwards and spent most of the afternoon inside drinking artesan beers. I'm still not sure I like Guayaquil, it's too hot and boring. Not even the walk along the Malecon in the evening could sway my opinion - we did find a clocktower to visit though, and we stayed up there in the stifling heat so we could watch/hear the hour tick over.
The other thing amusing about the day was the bank trip at the Mall del Sol. I had a coin purse full of 1c, 5c, 10c and 25c pieces and got the guy to exchanged them all for a $5 note. The look on his face though!
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