On our way from the airport in KL to our hostel The Pondok Lodge you could already see the Petronas Towers, towering over the skyline. We arrived at our hostel checked into our room and dumped our stuff.
Rachel settled in took out a few bits and immidiatly set about epilating her hairy legs whilst I went out into reception to go on the internet for a bit. I sat down and logged into Facebook. A guy came and sat in the computer next to me, I looked across and gave a friendly smile of acknowledgement and he did the same, we both turned back to our computer screens and it was then we both did a doube take. It was Rico, the German guy which me and Rach had travelled with from Broome to Perth abdout 6 weeks previous. We both looked at each other and just burst our laughing not really believing what we where seeing. We had a bit of a chat and then I sent he off to surprise Rach who was still in our room (not before I checked she wasnt in her pants, shaving her legs, for which she is prone!) Rico went in and Rach was just a surpsed to see him as what I was as the last time we had caught up with him was in Singapore for a couple of days and all we knew was that he was off to Tioman Island for a few days. The world is such a small place for a backpacker.
We grabbed our bags and all went downstairs to the bar below our hostel for a few drinks. We caused everyone at our table much amusement when asked the question "so what direction are the Petrona Towers from here" to which me and Rach proceeded to point in unison in the opposite direction whilst saying "yeah sure their that way". At about 1am when we were on our last drinks for the evening a local guy comes over to our table saying he works for a casting agency and is looking for 3-5 caucasians for a Rexona (Deoderant) Advert to be shown in Indoniesia and would we be interested?!! We all looked at each other in deathly silence and then looked back at him (tumble weeds spring to mind) to which he went on to explain abit more and show us the shooting schedual and tell us we would be extras as a film crew in the background blah blah blah, he wanted to pick us up at 6am the following morning and would pay us 200 MRY. Again we all looked at each other and then back at him, again all in silence, a bit shocked about the conversation we involved in. Rach looked and me and shrugged her shoulders, Rico looked at me and said "what do you think" to which I replyed "Im intrigued". We listened some more and although it sounded like alot of fun and would have been good to have a DVD of a random deoderant advert in which you were an extra in to show as a momento of your holiday I was also verrrrrrrry dubious about the mans motive or intent. Call me a party pooper, synic, sceptic, whatever you will, alarm bells were ringing im my head, I dont know what the other guys thought. Anyway we all said yes and agreed to do this commercial (with the thought that we just wouldnt turn up if we decided against it.) We took his card and went to look it up on the internet and ask theman in the hostel what he thought. The man behind the desk had never heard of this perticular company and it was not registered on the internet anywhere, all this added to my concerns to which I said I wasnt going to do it. After much deliberation we all decided that we shouldnt do and went to bed.
The next morning we woke up and were told that this guy did turn up at 6am and was looking for us, the guy behind the desk said he had never heard of us (good ol boy). It probably was all real and safe but I wasnt happy with the no website moment so Rach and Rico probably thought I was a party pooper and I probably watched too many horror films but I would feel a "Hostel 3" making an apperance at the cinima, this time based on a true story!! Also a incident worthy or note about this morning is that on waking up in our room, I had a itch on my forehead, I took my arm out of my sleeping bag and proceeded it scratch this itch only to feel I had developed somewhat of a F**K off great growth on my head! Otherwise looking similer to the bloody Elephant sodding Man!! Rachel immidiatly burst into a fit of laughter, I jumped up out of bed and looked in the mirror! I really wish i hadnt! The lump went from my hair line over my right eye down to my eyelid, across the whole length and width of my forhead, stopping just shy of my left bloody eye! I looked horrific! It must have been some bloody powerful pesky mosquito!! I was there all day but luckily went down gradually throughout and had virtually gone by the night time. But Rach and Rico had much amusment at my large head throughout the course of the day and ever greater amusement listening to me moan about my new found appendage!!
We all went for lunch and a bit of a look round the city. After lunch me and Rach went in search for a new top and came across a motorbike full of cats, yes you read correctly, a motorbike full of cats. We were abit confused by all these real cats just drapped over this motorbike that was standing in the pathway with soothing music coming from speakers in the footwell. On getting closer we read all the notices and documents this man had pinned up all around and it turns out that the cats are street cats that he has rescued and they never leave his side. We spent about half an hr talking to him, gave a donation, took a few pictures and made our way back to the hostel.
That night we met up with Adam (who we met in Borneo, Sepilok) and and guy called Alex from Dubai. We all went to a bar call 7atenine which had a wonderful view of the Petonas Towers at night. We then moved on to a club called the Beach Club. Well, I may be a country girl and led a sheltered life but I was slightly shocked by the amount of hookers in which it had it in!! Me and Rach were simply people watching all night, watching 6ft4 white men towering over 4ft nothing (almost child looking) asian girls in skimpy clothes, then them walking off together, followed by her returning 1 hr later in which to find her next paycheck. All this said we all actually had a very good night, we laughed alot and Adam and Alex being hit on for business and watching them squirm, and got very merry of the bottle of Absolut Vodka we brought for next to nothing.
The following morning we woke up feeling abit worse for ware but had a lovely roast dinner in the bar below the hostel (which alwasy sorts out a hangover). Again went for lunch and pottered about for the rest of the day. That evening Rach, Rico, a couple of his friends and myself all went into China Town to a bar call The Reggee Bar, We had dinner and few drinks there and heading back to the club next door to our hostel called TwentyOne for a few shots and cocktails. We finally crawelled into bed at around 4am, then at 5am the alarm was going off for us to get up, ready and at um ready meet Adam & Alex and KL airport to catch our flight over to Kota Bharu ready for a week of R&R (rest & relaxation) on a beautiful tropical island for 1 whole week!
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