Thursday 20th March
As our flight was 10.30am, it meant we had to check out early and the shuttle was on time. We arrived at the airport and checked in with no problem. After going through all the security barriers, we had at least a hour spare so we browsed around the shops, went on the internet for free again.
Our flight was on time, so we boarded on time too. We were impressed with our seats cos it came with few luxury stuff such as eye mask, flight socks, blanket and the best of all, we had a small tv screen to ourselves to watch movies or play games. (Just like what we had on our flight to New York)
We never flew off till a couple of hours later as there was something wrong with the plane's brake horsepower. So we all waited on the plane, trying to amuse ourselves. Eventually we finally flew off and were able to watch the movies but unfortunately there were no captions available. Lisa just watched foreign films as no doubt that they naturally come with english subtitles anyway.
Our flight was comfortable and felt like as we were having a first class treatment cos everything included alcohol were free! Daniel made sure he made the most of the free alcohol!
We arrived to South Africa at 4am (Oz Time) and the flight was 14 hours! The time in South Africa was 6pm so we were only 2 hours ahead of UK Time so no doubt that there wouldn't be any jet lags for us on our return home to UK.
It took ages to get through immigration/customs, at least a couple of hours! Once we got our luggages, we were unsure on how to get the hostel that we previously booked. Daniel spoke to the information centre which they phoned on our behalf. The pick up was on it way to our pleasure. After 30mins wait, the pick up finally arrived and we were expecting to be in the minibus due to our experiences in the bus. To our surprise, it was just an ordinary car! We were unsure if we got the right guy to take us to the hostel!
The journey was 20mins drive away so we weren't exactly staying in the centre of Johannesburg to our dissapointment. However, the hostel was just like home away from home. We were pleased to see our room being empty but just us. It was a nice room and before we had an early night, we made the most of the free internet access. Our jet lag was starting to affect us so we had an early night by 9pm.
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