Hi all,
Back from my sailing trip, it was soooo much fun! Im not one for boats but it truly was an amazing trip. My group got upgraded to sail on a racing yacht called anaconda.
We left off on saturday and the drinking started almost immediately. needless to say, i was never too far from my bag of goon! We sailed over to our island 'south mole island' where we stayed the night. After tea we had to all stand in two teams for drinking games and i was the captain of my team. In the first round we just had to skull a beer and put the cup on our head and the whole row had to do the same. the second round, we had to skull the beer and then feed the person next to you their beer from behind them. The last round you had to swap tops with the person next to you. Pretty interesting for the girls in dresses!
There was all sorts of carnage going on which included one girl being found sleeping on the helicopter pad!
The mext morning after wrestling my breakfast from the parakeats (they love cereal and apple juice), we sailed off for the day. The sea was really choppy and alot of people were feeling worse for wear (esp. after all the drinking). The boat was over on its side for most of the morning and the spray was incredible. I never did manage to master walking from one side of the boat to the other!! I was falling all over the place - much 'woop' noises were made!
We went to whitehaven beach which was beautiful. I cleaned all my jewellery there as the sand has a really high silica content. Afterwards, we went snorkelling. It was a bit scary as the tide was low and quite a few people got swept onto the coral and cut themselves. All i could think about was sharks!!
We then headed back to the island for some more mayhem. Me and this guy from newcastle went for a spa and had cocktails - all very civilised. We then went back to the party and the skippers were running around naked - not so civilised!
Today we had perfect weather again and sailed out to some coral and did some snorkelling (check out the stinger suit - the most unflattering thing ever). There were millions of fish around us. lots of nemos. There were massive fish called mouri ras. they were a bit scary but apparently harmless.
We then had lunch and sailed back to land. Tonight we are all meeting up for some drinks (just a few though). Going to townsville tomorrw, wayne is there but i dont have his number so I am just going to go there and see if he replies to his email. he works on magnetic island.
Better go, got to wash before going out bye!
smithers X
P.s maybe you guys should wash - I can smell you all from here!
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