Hany J
Hey u pair!! lovin the site! lookin good lu! as usual. thanks for the picture u put on of shrek. wasn't sure if that was meant specially for me. hehe. only joking. All is good here and missing u loads. Lucy keep away from them damn cats!!!! and sam dont b offended if she falls for a tuk tuk man! they're hot! anyway keep enjoying yourselves both. U both deserve it. luv ya lots, hany j xxx
Joe And Chris
Wow you two, just read your journals and looked at the photos, seems really cool, we're both so jealous. Keep updating us, it feels like we're there with you guys!!!!
Joe reckons she be good at ping pong see if you can sign her up lol !!!!
Keep safe both missing and love you loads. xxxxxxxxxxxx
Btw guys, g-man isnt me, take care x
Nathan Lisa
hey guys looks like fun, so jealous wish we were there! luc whats the pole dancing competiton like?!!!!!!!!!!! take care both have fun.
seems like ya having fun keep us updated on what ya up to and stay safe where for off to next after thai land g x
Lisa M
Hey guys!! You look like having an awesome time out there. Im sooo jealous. Luc, im soo sorry i couldnt come say goodbye but i didnt wanna make you ill. Anyway guys i'll keep it short but keep up the fun and be careful. love you both. Lisa.xxxxxxx
Hey guys, I don't want to make a habit of writing here because I know everyone else has loads to say! Just to let you know I'm home and well I had a great time but me and Megan didn't work out, I was kind of upset but it's all cool now! Hope everything is going well, I have edited your story so far to show nan and grandad lol, cutting out all the naughty words! I don't have a clue what time it is with you but I'm guessing your busy and having loads of fun, the queen is 80 today I think lol, just to let you know but yeah thats all the news from me, love you both and I can't wait to see some more pictures! x x x
Hey u two! the pics are fab so nice to see you looking happy & having fun, cant wait for the updates.. although missing you lots & feel emotional whenever i read your messages Lu, u know me! Anyway your quest sounds amazing so keep having the best time, nothing changes here, especially the drab weather! trying to study for exam but prefer to send u messages! Take care, love u lots! claire & phoebe! xx
Mich (In Australia)
Ah of my fav cities in the world!!
Hey Sam & Lucy, just a quick note to say hiya and wish you all the best in Asia - I had the time of my life in Thailand and am sure you'll get to do the same! Look forward to seeing you (and actually meeting Lucy!!) and sharing a beer or two when you get to Sydney - It'll be cold in June though!
Take the most care and have the most fun, love Mich xx
Big Sis Han
Hello u 2 so glad you got there safe and sound cant believe how much i'm missing u both already feels like u have been gone ages!!! The photo's are amazing you both look great and Bangok looks incrediable. Feeling very jealous as i have had a horrible day at work and its been raining(no change there!!!!) not much to tell u really been in work mostly. Cant believe you have done so much already it's great that your out and about so much and not in bed sam!!!!!!! ha ha just kidding!!!!
Big love to u both and stay safe we are all here if u need anything