hey lu-be & sam! well its your last week & its gone soo quick but you've experienced so much together - its a beautiful thing!! cant't wait to see you & hear all your tales! safe journey back, love u lots clairey xxxx
Big Sis Han
Hey u 2 only two weeks till u come home can't believe it i'm so excited!!!! Wont be able to meet you at the airport I'm afraid I'm just to big and fat!!!!! Plus I have to see my midwife that day and it's the only day she can see me but as soon as u get home I'm coming straight over to give you a huge hug!!!! Only three and a half weeks until this baby is due can't wait I'm getting very excited and a little nervous!!!!
Hope you have a great time in Hawaii enjoy yourseleves stay safe and I will see you both very soon.
Lots of love and kisses Hannah, Clive and Bump xxxxxxxx
hey lube & sam! oh my god u two - new zealand, wowwww! the pics are breathtaking & the ones in the plane before u jumped are priceless - u can see the adrenalin in your faces. what amazing experiences u've had together - the world is your oyster! from the pics NZ looks the most stunning place.
hope you're enjoying the beautiful fiji. phoebe is sitting on me now cuddling, shes getting cuter! big brother - pete won, the guy with touretts & glyn-welsh guy came 2nd...as soon as he came out he grabbed a welsh flag & was just holding it up cheering-lush boy!
all is fab here, cant wait to see u...
lotsa love, clairey xxxxxxxxx
Hany J
Hey u pair. off to kenya wednesday. well nervous cos will be sleapin with the lions....not literally. keep updating so i can see ya continue to enjoy yourself! love u both loads.xx
hey you two! your pics are fab - Lu you're looking amazing, loved the hair do on your birthday, very swish! sorry for lack of contact lately, busy with new contract back & forth to liverpool but its goin good. missing u, cant believe u've been gone 3 months now. keep having the best time, cant wait to hear all you stories - bet u could write a book! love u loads, clairey (p.s phoebe & mitzy say hi..meeoow!)xxxxxxxxxxx
Hany J
Hey matey!
hope u had a fab birthday. Nice to see u bein treated! hope u and sam r both doin well. Im off to kenya next week so wont be able to see ya pics for a month. I will email u from there tho. Take care of yourselves. xxxxx
Hey guys! Pictures in Australia were amazing! Happy birthday Lucey, sorry its late! I've been talking to someone from New Zealand, she's from napier, she seems really cool. I've started teaching myself guitar now, I can play the intro to son of sam by elliot smith, how convenient and some other basics. The last two days have been the hottest ever! Your mums party was good, wasn't the same without you two though. I have an interview on Monday with Parsons Brinckerhoff (engineering company) for my apprenticeship, hope I get it! Anyway better get dressed and have a shower its almost 2 and I'm going to a gig tonight, take care both, love you x x x
Big Sis Han
Hello to u both hope you had a wonderful birthday Lucy the photo's the two of you have taken are fantastic you both look so well and look like your having so much fun. I did shed a tear when I looked at them can't believe how much I'm missing you both. Me and Clive are both well we are having a major heatwave at the moment and being pregnant in it isnt easy but it's okay. The bump is getting bigger and moving around alot can't believe it's only about 10 weeks until the baby is due!!!!!! I hope you got my latest pictures of the baby if not let me know and I will send them again. Thank you for writing all your journal entries it's so intresting reading about what you have been up 2 and seeing all your wonderful pictures.
Hopefully will get to speak to you soon always take care love u lots and lots
Hannah, Clive and Bump xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi hun!!
Looks like your having a fab time!!! The photos are great, make the most of the beautiful surroundings..
Thought id message you and let you know that i had a baby girl on the 11th july...6lb 11...Amelia Elise Nicholas! :D
Take Care of yourself!
Luv Saz xXx
Lil Sis
Hey sweetness! I hope you had an amazing birthday, sorry the message is late, I've been so busy in work! Haven't forgotten you though! We all had a toast to you in Cibo yesterday! Missing you loads luc! Lots of love baby crews x
a very happy birthday lucy - one to be remembered! diane x
Hey Lube...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Can't believe my baby sister's so old lol! Have a lovely day xxxxxxxx