Thanks so much for the email Sam, it meant a lot! The force is with you lol x
Big Sis Han
Hey u 2 thanks for sending more pictures you both look fantastic and the views are wonderful. Have fallen in love with the monkey and the cat so if you have room please bring them home!!! People keep saying that my bump has got bigger although I don't notice it myself but clive has taken some pictures of it to send to you and u can let me know what you think. Will send you an email shortly and you can see the pics.
Missing you both so much take care and look after one another.
With lots of love always Hannah xxxxxxx
Hey Sam and Luce
Great 2 c your new pics, u both look so well.
Sam your card turned up toady so e-mail or text the address u want it sent.
Off to see Mike Skinner now in Bristol and Col's gig 2 moro'.
Every 1's good here, saw nan and grandad 2 day, he's doing ok, Next week hes going to try out some new medication. Fingers x'd.
Dogs are fine, coopers growing all the time. They're having training now so they should be well beahved by the time your home. Missing u both so much. all my love x
Sir Adam The 3Rd
sup safe? your 20hr ride must have sucked...gutted!....but seems your now havin a good time kickin man charily foxtrot over and out! x
I can't believe you got to hold a monkey sam! He looks so cute lol. The views look stunning! The guy is probably lowering the prices because he needs the money to survive maybe? Watch out though, if you are worried or in any doubts, I would move on. Ben came over Joannes the other day 2 have Sunday dinner which was cool! You have captured some really nice pictures, it could become a profession lol. Anyway I bet to do some revision, my GCSEs are in like 3 weeks, take care, love you both x
Shez And Liccle Sam
Hey you two!!! I can't believe the fun your having!!!!! The elepahant ride sounds wkd. Lu - was the huge bugs as big as the speckled hen cockroch called Shellard????? Hee! Hee! I also can't believe that Miss "I use to spend £80 a month on my hair" had hair extensions put in ON THE STREET!!!!!!! I hope Vidal Sassoon doesn't see that - you'l never get a job!!!! Missing you so much! Sam - please take care of her and don't let her out of your sight (you've done an excellent job so far!). Oh dear, the mother in me is coming out! Well I'm gonna go before I start crying. I love you lots n lots!!!!
Luv Shezy x x x x x x x x x x
P.s. Liccle Sam's good and says hi (sort of). Hee! OOh and Lu - Soya milk is not nice!!!!!!!!!!!! x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Hey Lu & Sam. Its Sonya. I'm sorry I haven't sent a message until now. First time I've managed to get to Dads & look at your photos and e-mails although they have been reading them to me over the phone! Glad you're both enjoying your trip. Everything is ok with us - Emily started walking properly and is now going to play group every week. She'll be 18months on Friday. I really love you're pictures, wish I was there. Looks brilliant. Thanks for your texts and emails. Its really good to hear from you - like to know you're both safe and well. Dad & Julie will let me know when you send more pictures and emails, so I'll look forward to hearing from you both soon. Love Sonya, Phil & Emily! xxx Oh yeah before I go, Dad wants to know why you didnt include Emily on your email about the best looking kids you'd ever seen - except Niamph! Abi said have you got that "worlds smallest cat"? x
Hany J
hey guys. glad to see ur still lovin it all. envious as hell!!!! lucy ...u can juggle!!!!!! u impress me more each day. keep soakin up the sun matey and sam....please dont sell her too a tribe!!! luvin u both always.xxxx
hey lu-be & sam! well glad you enjoyed the trek, its sounded like an amazing experience (apart from the bugs, ahhhh!)...Lu, meg said u hadn't recvd my emails, ive sent quite a few, so thats strange - anyways i've frowarded them again to u today - so let me know if u get them or not. played touch rugby today, we're missing our best scorer! perhaps i'll even get one this season! anyway, keep having the best time as i know you are, missing u & love ya lots, claire xxx
El & Halen
whatcha mr and mrs, sounds and looks an amazing trip so far, bet you never come home!! Im so envious of all your crazy experiences. I so need to go, do you reckon i could do it with Halen?? One day. Im so stoked for you both out there. Missing all the reasons to go out and get drunk now youve actually gone, ive got a sad life !! laters xx
Em & Kat
Hey lu..sounds like your having a great time...loving the pictures...have u met any sexy lady boys hahaha. Maybe you can buy one for us lol. Speak to you soon & missing you lots. luv ya xx
Hey guys! Just had an email off Seanna who is in Oz at the moment and she said to tell you when you get to Bali get straight out of Kuta beacuse its horrible! hope your ok x x