Hey guys!
Just wanted to say well done Luc for standing near the fish, lol! Like you say baby steps but you sem to be doing really well. Sam your tattoos look amazing, think I'm getting one of mine down within the next couple of weeks when I get some money Lookk after them though! Will email youboth and let you know al about the goss back here! Love you both very much xxxx
Big Sis Han
Hello u 2 you both look fantasic with your tans. You are a very naughty boy sam having those tats done! But I have to admit they look amazing. I'm so glad you have made some friends you look like your having lots of fun. You will have to stop taking pictures of all these lovely animals i want you to bring them all home!!!!!!!! I cant believe how quickly time seems to be going missing you both like mad. Me and Clive are both fine and so's the bump will send you ths scan pictures very soon they are amazing. All the rest of family are well Slim and Cooper are growing all the time and are sooooo naughty but very cute!
Love you lots and lots keep taking good care of one another and I will email you very soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Keep sending fantasic pictures x
Hey dude! Your new tatoos are wicked! You and Luce are looking very well, have fun in Singapore! I'm not to good today as I went out last night, drank a flagon of white lightning, then I can't remember anything from there, i woke up in a bed of piss, woops:(. Something for the parents to laugh and shout about though! It was my school prom the other day, was pretty fun. I'm hoping to get my lip pierced soon but mum being a nurse is against it. Anyways you 2 live it up! Wish I was there! Love you both x
Hi Sam & Lucy,
Just had a look at all your pictures, glad your enjoying yourselves so much. Thanks for your e amil, ive been away this week working, im looking after your dog's today as your Mum and Dad have gone away for anniversary, they had been hyper today so far, but good fun (the dog's not your parents!). I will scan the pics for you to have a look at over weekend and e mail them directly. Han is looking awesome, with her lovely lady lump.......
may the force be with you both, be Lucky Clive xx
Hey Lu-be & Sam! Loving the photos, it looks amazing! Your having sooo much fun & the people you're meeting look really cool.. Lu sorry i havnt been in touch, had a manic week & im gona sort out another email account. The weather here is diabolical! So you are def in the right place...Missing u loads, cant believe you've been gone over a month now, see its gona fly by! Love u loads, take care of my little sis Sam & yourself of course! claire xxxx
Hi both When are you going to post your next message. I.m in Ibiza at present. Wheather is really hot. Lucy hope your not drinking too much !! Have lots of fun Miss you both xxxx
Ive just clicked right U asked me for my email address and i havnt even had an email!! TIGHT! :) No not bothered really im crap wiv email neway....lush pics guys u both look mint. Did u eva bump in2 alisons sis? Well shes back now..and BLACK! So unfair...its been hot here and then rainin and then hot again and then storms...stuuupid country. Hey Luc im nearly there...handed my diss in and wow did that feel good, got 3 exams left and a presenataion and should graduate july 13th so il let u know how GREAT (lol...more like how pants) I do. Still havnt found a job or a flat...wish me and rich luck cz at the mo its not lookin 2 good! Well...full moon party...bet it is off the box id do nefin to b there. Love u both..take care! xxxx
Hey Guys - wow Im so jelous the Full Moon Party sounds amazing! your pics from Koh Samui look lush too loving the hair lu not bad for an on the street job! lol at Shez's comment about the speckled hen cocroach - I bet youve seen bugs that could beat the reall shellard in a fight never mind the cocroach version!
Love you and miss you loads. Have fun at the party drink lots of "Redbull" for me!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Bro Julian
Hi guys, glad everythings going well. Everything is going as normal at home, the weather is really nice at the moment. Your picture in the Wales on Sunday was dead good. Keep on enjoying yourselves and try not to get alcholol poisoning. Lots of Love x
Big Sis Han
Hey u 2 hope all is well thank you for your lovely email and text it was great to hear from you. Have a great time at your party take lots of care!!! I have my scan on Friday so as soon as I get some pictures I will sent them to you.
Me and clive have been looking at some paint for the nursery and have bought a few things for the baby in white of course because we are not going to find out the sex of the baby we are keeping it a secret cant believe how small the clothes are they are so sweet.
Sounds like your having a great time and doing lots of exciting things send us some photos when u can.
Take care of each other love you lots and lots
Hannah, Clive and Bump xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hey lu - just to let you know i've sent a few 'sisters' emails so let me know if you've received them. koh pan looks beautiful.....u lucky things! the wales on sunday spread is fab & huge! go lu... we need some more modelling shots on your photo album! missing u loads, lotsa love, clairey xxxxxxxxx
Hey dude and dudette.
First off apologies to you sam for not saying goodbye properly i was WRECKED the day u phoned me to go sk8in fell flat out asleep for like a day and a half O.o(felt awful bout it)
Im realy glad u guys r having an awesome time im sooooo jealous,sam that monkey looked badass and get some more piccies up so i can laugh at ya :P:P
Not much to say about cardiff really same old same old but the weather is improving i guess,not exactly thai sunshine but im not complaining and 'im in bettween' jobs atm.
Anways im gonna b***** off go make a marley and sit in the sun.