H guys, glad to see your being kept busy and having a great time! I went to see lost prophets the other day, they done a secret gig in the rec and i went crowd surfing and lost my shoe lol, but i have it back now! It must really hit you seing people living in such harsh conditions, for you this is a holiday but think about living there. Keep living up your dreams and we are all missing you loads, I have kept nan and grandad updated and they send their love, love ya 2 x
Safe Safe my travlin brethrins! good to see you got there in 1 piece. where's my F*cking yabba then? Ive been first to the mail everyday!!!!!!!
Speak to you soon
your NIGGA!
Baby Crews
Gutted dude, Went to Angels and Airwaves last night! So good! Tom sang There Is which was a well emo moment for me and Tom! Going to see The Streets next Thursday too and........Death Cab for Cutie are playing in July! Camden gets quite scary at night, passed like 14 drug dealers in 100 yards! They're not very subtle either! Went back into that piercing shop too and saw this woman with 3D tattoos on her head, she had little devil horn implants and then a braclet of them round her wrist! Well scary! Anyway dude, hope your both well! Missing you loads! Take it easy love you xxxx
Hi hun, Thanx 4 txt this morning. Good to hear you're back. Hope u had a wonderful time. Did u go to the jungle, beach or both! Every1's fine home here, no need 2 worry. Dogs are all well, we've got a trainer cumin on Sat. am to c if he can sort them out. Cooper's grown so much already. Try n put sum more pics up. 4 now my love as always. x x
Hey hey!The pics are amazing,ive fallen in love with that kitten,so so cute!Glad all's going well and you're having a ball,keep the updates coming!My bro will be in New Zealand and Australia round about the same time as you so I'll have to give him the link to this site!Take care and keep having a blast, Cerys x
Rude Boy---Sit Down!
word to my white traviller!
hahah...f***in amazin...didnt know you were gonna e-mail every1...i hadly ever look at my mail but youve now given me reason to look and you cant understand how good it feels...lol....
looks like your having fun over ther,i must admit i though bankok and thi land was like miles and miles of dusty roads and shanty towns...no sivilisation...but it seems iv been proved wrong!
if you come across a monk again ask him if hes a shawlin monk and take a pic i wanna see what they look like,do they look like the dudes you see in films?
im in collage,so i think i have to do some work innit!
had the s***s yet? doggy food and water and all?
peace out bredgin...its adam innit! x x
(p.s if you get time go on www.bbc.co.uk/radio1 and go on 1xtra and listen to the f***in heavey D&B by zappo)
hey guys.. I dropped u a mail sam so i wont drivle on here. Ask the buddhists if they have any positions available for trainee monk, I could use a change of scene. Keep on living the dream out there guys x
Baby Crews
Dude do me a massive favour and any Hard Rock Cafe's you see will you buy me some cool pins please and i will send you moulin! Love you lots and jelly tots! Luc its major shopping time in about 6 months!!!!! x x x x x x x
Hi my precious pair
Thinking of u both constantly but so pleased u are enjoying youselves so much. At the mo' eveyone is up the house and all the conversation is about u 2. We've all read the enteries and seen the photos. ben has brought Misty over to roam in the garden on a really long lead. Sarah's doing my head in blowing bubbles in my hair as I type. She just giving me thev's and called me a cock! Nothing new there then. Anyway, dad's watching Arsenal in the cup final, and Hannah's stressing about baby furniture. Clive wants a shed for Christmas. Poor guy, can u imagine what she's going to be like in a few more weeks!
Nan and Grandad are well and asking after you all the time. The pics are really good and its great to keep so much in touch.
Right that's all for now. Be in touch again soon.
All our love from all the Crews crew.x x x x
I am SO INSANELY JEALOUS!! U two look like u r having the most off the head time..im reading between the lines aswell:).....and i wish so much i was there with you. I never really realised how badly I want to travel until i actually saw two of my m8s out there doin it and it really hit home..defo something i have to do or il live to regret it! Just make sure u take hold of every little and big opportunity that comes ur way while ur out there. Im at uni..got 2 days to finish my diss..not happening!! Rich says hi! Its his bday Mon so mayb goin to see shabba,goldie and dillinja in a couple of weeks...ha bet ur jealous now!! tee hee only jokin...well keep it up cant wait to see more pics. U both look like proper travellers for some reason..hows the hair going Luc?? Looks fine to me :) Love u both xx
How crazy is thailand!!! i served claire neve & co lastnight! they all miss you both! so does smelly man! if ever you have any questions when your in oz or new zealand let me know il help if i can!! love the pics, safe journey
tom.....surprise #### face.