Right, after my last very short entry this might actually be very long and stressfull.
After arriving in Bangkok on a cockroach train, we firstly discovered that as we came acros the boarder on a bus, we only get two wekks in Thailand! This in itself is not long enough to cover our next trip, let alone give me time to get to the Malaysian boarder. We are going to apply for an extension though that we will have to pay for and I will probably not be returning to Bangkok for the third time as I think we can only get 7days that just leaves me wuth enough time to go to Krabby and get down to Malaysia. This is something that we are going to sort out in Chang Mai however.
The more pressing stress was the fact that we arrived here on a National holiday that meant the British Embassy was bnot open and I could not pick up my cash card, and as we are then only here on a weekend after this I still can't pick them up that puts me in a bit of a predicament and has unfortunately caused my parents to have a few more heart attacks.
We did manage at least to sight see a little buit with the rest of the group, where unfortunately for Roz she got her purse pick pocketed (we are both now wearing purses that go round your neck).
In the evening though we all managed to have a really good last night together, and yes it was a drunken night! We all dressed up and drunk cocktail buckets as they were buy one get one free. I really wish it was this cheap to get drunk in the UK! It was an awesom night with a few injuries. Mainly to myself and Roz as we somehow both fell off a table together. I honestly don't know how that happened. And we finished up in a club on the Ko San road! Definately a night not to completely forget.
The next day Candy and I took the morning slowly, mainly because I had a stinking hangover and a battered leg. But then we had a productivish afternoon.
We started by going to the British Embassy to just try and see if I could get my package. We managed to sweet talk a security guard to have a look but he couldn't find it : ( After this we went on a mission to find the western union, a currency exhange and a post office! All with success! We then stopped for a little window shopping before we left to meet our new group. Unfortunately we did not make a good impression as we were a little bit late due to our taxi driver taking us to the wrong hotel first. But we eventually got there and had a pleasent evening with them and even managed to bump into Pia, Roz and Kate briefly.
As our new group were planning to do the same sight seeing that we had already done with our previous group. Candy and I met up with our last group for some retail therapy at the weekend market. Here I was fairly good, I only bought one top, which is beautifull and so cheap and very me so I naturally had to buy it. Secondly a pair of shoes that were rubber with backs that we had discovered from waterfallage and tubing to be very practical. I have also sent one pair of berkinstocks home so I think that it is allowed. Thirldy was a small pressent for my mum. It was also a really nice way to say our final fairwells to our group.
In the evening we took yet another sleeper train, this time with no cockroaches but one from the arctic to Chang Mai.
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