Sinead & Pa's Travels
Fifth day hung over as hell we got up early to get one of the best hang over cures - jumping out of a plane at 15,000ft! It was so much fun and I was the first to jump so was clung against this flimsy plastic sheet going up in the helicopter looking out and freaking out. My tandem guy was so cool. The 45 second free fall was such a rush. Then when the parachute opened I could take in the awesome scenery and enjoy the ride. I got a DVD and photos - in my photo album which was brilliant to look back on especially as I was friendly with everyone else in the DVD too. The weird thing was straight after me and one of the girls, Courtney were in serious pain for a week with our wisdom teeth coming down after the jump! We ended up getting drunk most nights because we were in so much pain. If anybody knows if sky diving brings on wisdom teeth post it on the message board.
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