In Kampala, Uganda at the moment. Over the last week or so we have made our way from Nairobi to Kisoro (in Uganda and at the border with Rwanda and Congo) which was the base for our Gorilla trek. Three days of hard driving to get there.
Our Gorilla trek took us into the Congo, which is what we were all hoping for. There's something very mysterious about the Congo and Sarah and I defintely wanted to cross the border. The trek was absolutley amazing. We walked about 5.5 kms through mountain farmland and then turned in to the jungle where we found a gorilla family of 10 about 50 metres in to the jungle (a male silverback of 250kgs, seveal females and two little ones around 2 to 3 years old. At the pre-trek briefing we were warned to stay at least 7 metres away from them but this rule was immediately forgotten. The silverback walked straight through the middle of us and we could have reached out and touched him! We were given an hour to watch them - amazing. The little ones play to the camera and one of them crept up towards me an tried to reach out and take my camera. One of the guards was quick to move him away with his stick!
The trek back took us through some amazing scenery and everywhere we went the locals waved and yelled hello to us, at one point we had up to 50 children walking with us. We even crossed army patols with guys carrying rounds of ammunition and a rocket launcher! One of the other groups were a little shaken by an approah by some rebels with machine guns. The driver had to take off to leave them behind and then told the nearest army patrol who quickly took off after the rebels!
We are now making our way to Jinja about 70kms from Kampala which has a little campsite situated on the Source of the Nile. From there we head back towards Nairobi stopping at Nakuru National Park and Lake Naivasha.
More soon.
Shane and Sarah
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