Hola Todos,
We are now actually in Ecuador but will give you a quick postcard and photos from Lima and a summary of famous Peru!
We stopped off in Lima for only 2 nights and had fun walking around a very diverse city of old and new and even got a whiff of misty sea air. Many other travellers had really talked Lima down so we were not really expecting much. However our impression of this vast city was pretty positive and we enjoyed the short time were were there. The only weird thing was that the mist from the ocean settles in over the city like smog and doesnt clear until at least midday......we thought it was pollution when we arrived but the Taxi driver assured us it wasnt!
One of the funniest things we have seen in a while was a statue in one of the many plazas of The Good Lady (some women from Spain) who had a bronze Llama (the animal) on her head. History has it that the instructions to the sculptor were to put llamas on her head. This word in Spanish means flames (from fire) also....which it was meant to be! Maybe you had to be there but I (Sarah) have never cried so seriously looked so funny (check out the photo in our photo album).
Impressions of Peru: We have spent the last month here and it has been one of the countries that we have actually been the most active in, with Volcanoe Conquering, Trekking a fair deal and visiting the famous Machu Picchu ruins. We loved chilling in Cusco for the time we did, getting more Spanish study in and eating great food at Jacks Cafe there.
However it has been the MOST TOURISTY country we have visited with the reed islands in Puno being completely exploited with tourism which ruined our experience there on Lake Titicaca. In the bigger towns like Arequipa and Cusco people chasing you with their wears and menus from restaurants thus making the time there somewhat frustrating.
Dont get us wrong we have had a brilliant time here in Peru and have met some amazing people along the way.....we just noticed how crazy tourism can make a place!
Travel here wasnt so bad: Crossing the border to Puno by bus 3 hours. Puno to Arequipa (bus) 5 hours. Arequipa to Cusco (Night Bus) 9 hours. Cusco to Lima (Air) 1.15 hours. Lima to Piura (Night Bus) 14 hours. Piura to border of Ecuador (Bus) 3 hours (but the whole bus ride to Loja in Ecuador was 9 hours.
And that is Peru done and dusted for now!
Lots of love
Sarah and Shane xx
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