Avoiding Death, Disease and Diarrhoea
On the second most northern island in all of Fiji's islands. It look a little while on our big yellow boat (4 hours) thankfully it was a speed boat so wasnt effected much by the waves. We had smaller boats come meet us to take us and our bags to our hostels on the beach. I thought ours was going to sink it was pilled high with bags and people but the fijians didnt care much they just laughed it off in their magical way!
We ended up exploring the tiny island not long after the landed, ended up at blue lagoon. It was great this place full of fish and all sorts. Saw Nemo and his friends.
Later that evening James, Alex and I ended up in some fijian couples house, we had choc cake, cups of tea, beer and Kava. Never again thats all i have to say!!!
Next day visited Sawailau caves which we had 2 swim into and underwater some of the way. James and I had great fun with one of the guides climbing up the caves walls and jumping in. Sometimes it was quite scary as our guide said "Jump there but don't hit any of those rocks!" Rocks more like bloody boulders with sharpe jagged edges!!
Had a typical Fijian dinner that night, didnt no what half of it was but it was tastey! Then dragged Soph with us for another Kava session at the Fijians house.
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