This is a list of the various things that we have observed in our stay in Europe (and more so Italy) that are different from what we're used to back home. Some of this we want to incorporate into our own lives at home.
- Dinner and or lunch is much more enjoyed here. Servers do not rush you and having an aperitif before dinner (prosecco) and a digestif after dinner is the norm (limoncello or espresso)
- Having the antipasti first, then a primi patti (soup or pasta), then the main coarse (meat or fish), then the dessert.
- You can get 1/2 liter of wine instead of just the glass. (about 3 glasses) and its still only about 6 EUR
- Venice is known for their Carnival and included into Venice is Glass blowing in Murano and Lace in Burano, Florence is known for their leather work, Rome is known for the Pope, Sorrento is known for its Lemons and anything you can make with a lemon and wood work.,
- The bathroom setup incompletely different with your flusher being attached to the wall and a bodet being right next to the toilet
- Siesta is much more seriously practiced in the south then in the north. Restaurants close from 3 - 7 and shops are closed from 1 -4
- Cell phones at dinner is a BIG no, and no one does it. Love that
- Women wear less makeup
- Everyone wears a scarf. EVERYONE. Men and women
- Don't bother waiting for a cross walk sign, just walk when its clear. Cars will stop and not be mad at you
- Only vegetables that are seasonal can be found in restaurants and grocery stores. The frozen food section is like 10 feet long
- Only drink cappuccino in the morning, never after
- People say you shouldn't drink your coffee standing up because it will make you angry the rest of the day
- A cover charge to sit at a restaurant per person is normal (like 2 eur pp)
- Bars don't close until close to 4 am
- They run on a 24 hour time clock (am and pm do not exist)
- Not to many drunk Italians
- Guys have no problem staring obviously at women
- The beggars are much more in your face (like your buying a ticket at the bus stop and their right next to you with their little plastic cup)
- There is an exorbant amount of beggars who either are (or are dressed like) little old ladies on their knees with their heads down
- There are public water fountains everywhere that are just running water, And its clean!
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