Well it's been a while so I think I need to get these blogs updated.
I haven't written since I was on my way to the UK at the end of Jan.
So I went home to the UK for 4 weeks. It was meant to only be 2.5 weeks and then Paul was going to meet me there, then we were going to go to Tignes for snowboarding. However it didn't quite work out like that, about 4/5 days before we were due to leave Paul was told he had work to do so we had to cancel our holidays and I decided just to stay in the UK for the whole month.
So I spent my first week at my dad's house. It was quite relaxing, it's a while ago now and I can't remember everything I got up to but I did go through to Elgin one day with dad, Shirley and Scott for supper. My auntie Christine and Uncle Eddie came to stay on the 5th Feb so I went to stay with my sister, Katie, and Andrew. We went on lots of walks with the dogs, it snowed a bit while I was home so that was nice, and I went to a dog show with Katie and a friend of her's at Lanark. I never used to enjoy them but I think since I don't get much time with my family then I appreciate all the time I spend with them so much more now.
I spent a bit of time with my younger sister, Nicola, too and my niece and nephew. It was nice to see them again. I'm pretty sure Kaci won't remember much of me but she sure is cute! She's so cheeky and full of character! And Josh, well what can I say, he's like a completely different boy to what he was when I last saw him in November. He never used to give me the time of day, but this time home he actually talked openly to me and was happy to sit with me. I went to watch him swimming a couple times, he's getting on really well. I wish I had thought about it and taken him swimming while I was home as he had an assessment just before I left and I thought he did really well and I think he half thought he would pass too but the woman failed him on his breathing, and he took it really well, but I think he was a bit upset about it. So I wish I could have helped him improve a little more so he could have passed. There's probably not going to be many opportunities for me to help him in life, and I missed that one! We also had a very sad day, my last day there, their kitty cat, YumYum, got ill and had to be put to sleep. That was not a good day. He was only about 7 years old, he was the only cat Josh had known. We went to the vet and said goodbye, then me, Nicola and Josh stood and watched and the vet injected YumYum. Josh was really strong, and so was Nicola. It's never easy watching these things. I followed Nicola and josh home with YumYum to bury him. When I pulled up outside Nicola's poor Josh was standing outside in tears with all his little friends around him, I think it was good that he showed that emotion. We went to the garden, dug a big hole, Josh carefully placed YumYum in the hole and put the first handful of dirt in the grave. Then we covered him up, with much help from Leighton with the digging!! I think it was good too that I got to spend a bit more time with both Nicola and Leighton also, they've only been together just over a year but, even though he's very quiet, he's a good guy and really seems to make Nicola happy (which isn't easy haha, only joking Nics), and he's amazing with Kaci!!
So I spend mostly all of the rest of my time in the UK staying with Katie and Andrew, I visited everyone I had wanted to, I got some gardening done at Rinnesview and at Katie's. I saw our old neighbour, And they had piglets too, they were soooo cute!! I visited my good friend Susan a few times this time which was great. We got out a couple times for walks and she invited me round for supper too one night which was lovely.
Another not so great thing that happened while I was home was the dentist lol. I went for a check up the day I got home and couldn't believe it, my dentist was South African haha. He told me I needed to get my two top wisdom teeth removed otherwise in 10-15 years I would start biting my cheeks. So I scheduled myself in the following week to get one taken out. I spent the next few days eating nothing but tomato soup, and of course when Paul told me we weren't going on holiday after all and I would be in the UK longer I decided to schedule myself in the week after that to get the other tooth removed. I was quite surprised how easy they came out and with such little pain! But maybe I just got lucky, or maybe I just got a good dentist!? So at least that was that all done and dusted while I was home!
I went to Aberdeen one day with Katie and Nicola to do some shopping and just spend the day with them, it was a really nice day, and Katie and Nicola were very helpful with my shopping (spending Paul's money) and I got some nice bits n pieces. We went I to a pub for lunch which was completely deserted but the food was a really really nice.
I've probably missed heaps but never mind, all in all it was a good month home and very productive and nice to see everyone a bit more!!
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