Well today was a more productive day. I woke reasonably early and got into Elgin by 9am. Went to Tesco and got a lot of the things on my list in there. There were so many things I wanted to get but decided not to... But then there were a few extra things I got because I wanted to. I just really hope my bags don't get searched in the airport, as I'd be gutted if I end up not being able to take all this stuff back... Things like Parmesan, and Knor stock pots and strong bread flour, ooh I would be so happy to have just those things in my cupboards in Dar. It's amazing how you take for granted the little things you get here!!
Well as I was leaving Tesco I saw. Baba Dialabus, and who was in there... Paul's granny. So I popped my head round the door and said hello to her. Then I went off to meet Dad, Shirley and Scott for a mooch about the shops. I had a pretty successful shop for my little friend Kelvin at Buguruni Deaf School. One of the sports shops was closing down so I found a paid of brand new football trainers reduced from £34.98 to £7.50!! I can't wait to give them to him, I just hope they fit him!! Anyway, we went and had our lunch at the Muckle after that and then I had to head off as my ticket in my car had ran out.
So I headed off to Portsoy to see Paul's sister, Sarah. While I was there Paul's dad also popped over, so it was nice to see them both. I left there just after 6pm and went got a Chinese then went to mum's for the evening.
Me n mum were busy in her loft looking through boxes, but thankfully we found everything I was looking for. Then we chilled with some munch and watched tv and chatted, until I started to fall asleep about 11pm, so I then went back to base camp.
All in all not a bad day, got a good few things crossed off my list, and I should get most the other things on my list crossed off after tomorrow I think.
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