Headed into the festival at 9:30 this morning to find the main tents already full, the middle weekend has become the traditional "Italian" weekend when it appears that Italy virtually migrates to Oktoberfest. The main tents apparently had lines waiting from 630am, "beer o'clock" is a very different time zone at the festival. So we waited outside a smaller tent opening at 10am before settling in for our first beer. The atmosphere quickly intensified as the seats rapidly filled, this was shaping up to be a magnificent day in a sunny Oktoberfest beer garden. Sarah kept up stein for stein (although 2 of them were Radlers (beer/lemonade) as we set about chatting with the locals surrounding us. More pretzels, chicken and good times followed over the course of the next 6hrs (it was only 3:30!) before deciding to head back to camp to freshen up (nap & shower) before having dinner in town.
**you'll have noticed our afternoon naps and showers, this is the quietest time to sleep and the only time you don't have long queues for the shower. Also by breaking the day into two parts we could get the most out of our time here**
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