Having done a quick fire walk around the main sites of Prague yesterday, we were able to take today at a more leisurely pace, starting with a small sleep in till 9am. A basic breakfast of toast, cereal & coffee is provided at this hostel between the much more friendly hours of 9-12. Due to the owner previously running a pub, he knows that the standard 7-9:30am breakfast is pretty pointless in a hostel.
After a feed and a shower we got moving again, this time headed for the Jewish Town "Josefov" which lies in the north-west corner of the city center between Karluv most (Charles Bridge) and Štefánikùv most.
The Jewish Town is quite a picturesque area with it's pokey little cobblestone streets, well maintained buildings and a number of historic sites. You can buy a ticket to visit all five major sites but with many of them closing at 2pm we chose to give it a miss, instead seeing the Synagogues from the outsides.
After exploring the Jewish town we crossed the Mánesûv most (bridge) in search of the pissing men sculpture which has become a favourite of any tour group visiting Prague. The sculpture fountain is of two men standing within an outline of the Czech Republic, both men are swivelling from side to side at the hips and pissing into the countries outline which holds the sculptures water. There is much debate over what the true meaning is; a symbol of communism's contempt for the citizens? A symbol that if you constantly give back what you take out the country will never run dry? It certainly sparked a flow of ideas between the two of us which is, after all, what good art is supposed to do.
We walked south under Charles bridge to Kampa Park where we strolled along watching children play and dogs run. We came across some interesting contemporary sculptures of huge babies with no faces, very odd indeed although, however very fun to climb on. Their bums and backs were incredibly shiny from all the people climbing on them for photo's.
From Kampa park we decided to walk up Petrínské Sady (Petrínské Hill) to the top where the Petrín Tower is, a small version of the Eiffel tower, only about 5 stories high. Even though it's not that tall, because it's on the top of a hill, you have a great view of the whole city. Tired from the walk up the long winding path followed by the circular staircase 5 stories up the tower, it was time to refuel and so we tucked into hamburgers in the park, simple but just what we needed.
It was now pushing 5pm and we decided to start the walk back to the Blinds Eye hostel, it would take about 40mins from where we currently were, and would be a leisurely wander back over the Charles Bridge and through the Old Town Square. After such a great meal last night we decided to head back to the corner pub where we settled in for the night with another outstanding feed and a few drinks.
We still had one more thing left to do before we called it a night, book a bed for Krokow! Again after a quick hostelbookers search we were all sorted with a great location right in the market square, a private room at a ridiculously low price of €19 each per night.
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