After spending last night playing Dominoes till gone midnight, I had a little bit of a lie in this morning before joining Matt for breakfast (well more of an early lunch since it was already 11 am!) before his flight to Kuala Lumpur. I will admit I am a little jealous that he's going to be going to Borneo and I am almost tempted to break into my Australia fund and do the same...
The weather got really hot about midday and for some reason against better sane judgement I decided that this would be the best time to go to the Tiger Cave which is about 9 Km outside of Krabi Town. The Tiger Cave is a Temple of sorts which has a giant gold Buddah on top of a hill which requires you to climb up 1237 steps to get to the top.
I have never been so hanging on a flight of stairs! Less than 1/3 of the way up I wanted to quit and come back down. I made it though! It took about 40 minutes to get up there where I was greeted with the most amazing views of all of Krabi province. I was actually quite proud of myself until I saw an American guy come storm trooping past me determined to do it without stopping and then do 50 push ups at the summit...what a twa...enough said..please complete the last letter!
Booked my onward travel to Koh Phi Phi for tomorrow and plan to be there for a few days. Not booked accommodation yet so here's hoping I can find something on arrival! Also heard back from the people at Koh Lanta Animal Welfare Centre and they have accepted me on a placement for 2 weeks starting the 26th August so cannot wait for some hard graft with those little doggies and kitties!
The picture is of me on the steps taking a well earned break on the way up to the top!
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