Paryang to Saga
6 hours on bumpy roads.
Arrive Saga 3pm.
Check into hotel.
Use public baths and pay 10 kuai to shower (they provided a HAIRDRYER... something I haven't seen since... um... March?)
We get strangely excited about the presence of chocolate in the supermarkets. Decide to buy red wine because we haven't seen it in so long.
Regret decision to buy red wine without checking label more closely (6% alcohol cannot be good).
Run out to purchase more red wine, this time twice the price but 12% alcohol.
REALLY regret purchasing vinegar-like bottle, though Heather puts on a brave face and claims "It's not so bad"
Yes, it really was that bad.
Eat at Chinese restaurant.
Fall asleep with visions of Everest. And hot mountaineers (hah!).
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