Whoever invented five am wake up calls should be shot, drawn and quartered, raked over hot coals and generally treated really badly. These early mornings are getting harder and harder as the trip goes on. We have to vacate our hotel by six and catch the six thirty cable car down to the bay to catch the six fifty boat to Naples. Our bags have to be packed and out the door by five twenty to meet us on the boat and packing that thing gets harder every time I do it.
Watching the sun come up over the Sorrento peninsular... wasn't quite worth the five am start, but it was pretty spectacular.
We're going to Naples this time so the trip is longer than coming from Sorrento. I really don't think much of what little I've seen of Naples. We dropped a bunch of people off at the airport and waited for the bus to take us to Rome. The bus was late of course and we were tried and grumpy so it wasn't a good wait.
It a longer than expected trip to Rome and still we had another half hour wait for our rooms to be ready.
We were waiting with Liz and Katie in the hotel bar and while we were waiting we looked up some of the hotel review. They were not encouraging. I was really dreading getting our rooms with the picture they painted. But when we finally got there, they weren't too bad. I suppose it pays to have low expectations.
Then we met up with the girls again and headed into town. I wanted to do the Rome by Night tour that we did, by day time, so we started off from the Trevi Fountain and passed through a ton of beautiful old streets and squares. We got to see the Pantheon by daytime and even got to see inside, free of charge! It was so beautiful!
We stopped for dinner at a fantastic place just off Piazza Navona which has a couple of fantastic fountains and a lot of really beautiful artwork.
It was getting a bit late by the time we started heading back so we hopped on the nearest metro and got of at the closest stop to the hotel and took a cab for the last ten minutes. It wasn't so bad and we were pretty tried be this point. We had an early start and a lot of walking.
Still I think the afternoon as reaffirmed my enthusiasm for travel. I looking forward for the next two weeks.
We said goodby to Liz and Katie as they have a train to catch to Venice tomorrow morning. I think I should sleep pretty well tonight.
- comments
Mum You do write rather well, I can almost be there with you, I wish. It was worth the sleepless nights wondering what you were up to for 6 days.