Hi everyone,
Lovely to see all your messages. Glad youve not wiped us from your memory already.
We arrived at a gorgeous hotel on thursday (28th) after terrible journey with screaming children sat in front of us the whole time aghhhh.. !! We therefore needed a alchoholic beverage immediatley, so we headed for Patpong - oh my god we soon woke up and recovered from our jet lag. Its the most bizzare place ive ever been, vikki still cant shut her jaw. Lady boys everywhere provided good entertainment! (thanks for tip angie davis).
The next night we ventured out to see Thai boxing which was brill, nearly asked if i could join in as i have my white belt in kick boxing, but thought better since we never had to actually hit each other ha! We then went to the night market, which was suprisingly really nice and had lots of lovely shops. Unfortunately we could'nt buy even a key ring as we' ve realised just how bloody heavy our backpacks are, we will certainly have backs like gillian mc'kieth after this trip.
We did some more touristy things today; seen The golden buddha, Royal grand palace and some temples, did our bit for wildlife and released some small birds out of a cage infront of the buddha ( then without realising it probably ate them later). We have now had to leave our luxury posh hotel (although sooo expensive- B160 for small water) and go into a small hotel near to Koa San Road, which to be able to sleep we are going to have to get very drunk!! (boo hoo I want luxury back).
Going on a 12 hour journey tommorow to Krabi , and staying in a beach hut (dont worry mum and dad it's very safe) on a lovely beach. Loads of other islands to visit around it with plenty to do. Cant wait, think we are all Bangkoked out, it smells worse than feet!
I will put some picture on soon, please keep sending messages lovely to hear from you all.
Sarah xxx
P.S sorry about my spelling but tough you will have to get used to it, its never got better in 26 years. (Fanny Anns fault)
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