First of all sorry for the delay but yet again we seemed to have stumbled across paradise and yet again we found it very difficult to drag ourselves away. Unfortunately paradise provided us with everything you could wish for except a decent computer hence the blog stand still. However please keep with us as we are back in the real world again (well almost) and it has been lovely to see your messages since we were last able to look!!!
So taking ourselves back we had just left our previous paradise (sorry not trying to rub it in, it's just a travelers occupational hazard) Gili Air and had a short stop off in Bali and now we are heading to Singapore. Unexpectedly we had heard a mixture of opinions from travelers we had been talking to and some didn't seem to think much of Singapore, some even advising us not to both going. But as we were quickly realising you really have got to make your own minds up and see for yourself- and besides we were dying to try a Singapore Sling!!
Planty did well and managed to find us a hotel for when we arrived as she had an earlier flight. The hotel to anyone else would have probably seemed like the cheap basic hotel which it was but to us who had been living in wooden huts with bucket flush toilets it was the Ritz!
As usual we were dying to dump our stuff (after a lot of oohing and arghing over the clean sheets, tiled floor and shower) and head out to explore our new destination. We soon found ourselves on the most efficient transport system ever - cheap, easy to use, clean and safe (so nothing like the London Underground!) Our gamble to ignore some of the comments we had heard about Singapore soon paid off as we all agreed quite quickly that this was a brilliant city. It was really exciting place to walk around; it had so many different areas all really accessible to each other but all completely different and unique.
We first went to China town, we have been to many China towns in Asia but this was a particularly good one, with its beautiful buildings, temples and vibrant atmosphere. Next was Clarke Quay which had a mixture of old boat houses lining the river bank with a back drop of huge gleaming sky scrappers- and surprisingly it really worked! We took a boat ride down the river and enjoyed the fantastic views and charm of the heart of the city!
We had covered a lot of ground and blisters were immerging on peoples feet (what did the Podiatrist say about new shoes girls ha!) so it was good timing to come across the famous Raffles hotel. We had a quick glimpse in some of the resident shops and splashed out on a book mark or key ring and quickly bypassed the Tiffany shop!
Then the moment we had all been waiting for -the real McCoy a 'Singapore Sling' in the bar where they were first concocted. It was such a surprise in a posh hotel to go into the famous Long bar for our much anticipated cocktail and find nuts and shell thrown about the floor, almost covering it. After the initial shock and realisation that this is what it was supposed to be like 'authentic' and not that they couldn't afford a cleaner we all joined in and threw the monkey nut shells around the floor like a bunch of louts!!! Of course we stopped for a second to pose like the bunch of ladies we really are, for a photo with our gorgeous cocktails- cheers girls!!
A lot was to be discovered about our individual personalities whilst consuming our cocktail, as at ten pounds a pop we could only afford one each. We discovered that Vikki and Steph liked to savor theirs and take small delicate sips while the Lisa's and Sarah- well we are just greedy b****es and it was straight down the hatchet- the Cocktail psychology ay!!
Feet rested we headed for the last area to be covered Little India, it was a little bit rough around the edges to say the least but after a bit more trekking we found ourselves a good old ruby murry and wolfed it down like it was a late Friday night after a good session at Zanzi duck!!
The realization of why we could actually afford to stay in this hotel became apparent about eight am the next morning as an army of builder's descended above our rooms armed with very noisy heavy duty machinery, so definitely no lie in!
We had done well the previous day and managed to avoid all of the shops but it proved too much two days on the trot. So off we went to depress our selves as not only have we not got shopping money but no where to put it either. We came across a Dorothy Perkins, Vik had to contain her self from giving them a helping hand- NOT, even the sight of the sign above the door made her break out into a cold sweat! (Think she may need gently easing back into work Stafford girls!)
For a while now we had been putting the subject off that it was Lisa's last day, her and Planty would both be heading back to England tomorrow. The tight nit little group would be no more, but all good things do come to an end - this was definitely one of them!
We went for another goodbye meal but this really was the last supper aghh!! Sitting reminiscing over our amazing experiences with a bottle of wine the night went quickly and the hard exteriors started to crack as we all stood in the middle of the train station and broke down blubbering! We have had such an unbelievable adventure, all stared from sitting in a pub (surprise) and Sarah badgering Lisa to come traveling with her. For two people who find it difficult to even arrange a night out, we did exceptionally well with this one!
So here we were five months later with Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Australia, Indonesia and Singapore under our belt with all the endless stories which go with them - not a bad suggestion hey Lisa!
Carol (Vikki) has done some calculation; 9 Flights, 14 boat journeys, 23 long uncomfortable bus rides, 46 Destinations, 59 Beds, many hangovers, lots of laughs and numerous unforgettable times!!!
So the following morning Planty was all packed up, it had been so nice to have a new fresh face amongst us - especially one with as many new stories and so much gossip! As Planty would say; I am on it, I am all over it!
Lisa started to pack her backpack for the last time, finally being able to chucking her well used sleeping bag, gave out her hand me downs. When she had finished her bag was bulging more than before- her love for buying presents had given way! We all went to a cheap stall and had lunch- how far we have come from when we first arrived in Bangkok, walking past stalls made us physically wretch! We sat again reminiscing; we could go on all day with the many memories we have accumulated and packed into this space of time.
After a really emotional afternoon we packed Lisa and her huge backpack into a taxi and she drove off leaving three emotional wrecks on the pavements - give your selves a shake girls- which is what we had to do!!!
The following day the remaining three all packed up our belongings and left the nosiest hotel in the world. It certainly took some getting used to not have little Pobe Head around but the traveling life continued and now on to whole new territory Malaysia!!!
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