Dear all,
So i have safely arrived in thailand, bangkok more specifically !
I really enjoyed my trip around aus and it was really lovely meeting ryan and symon, and helen and ian ( fmaily friends) . I got to see loads of kangaroos at helen and ians and it was really nice to relax for a few days before the next part of my trip !
So far all i have relaly doe in bangkok, is get a lift from a guy with a limo to my hotel , that i couldnt find and then checked into a nicer one, but is more expensive, bought a camera, as mine got stolen and been to see the grand palace all of which were cool, but i want to do alot more exploring probably when i meet my group. we may venture out to se eone of the infamous shows !
well hope oyur all well, promise to have pictures up when i take them
lots of love
sarah x
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