0 KM 28 - 29 August 2011
Australia radiates a sense of space, time and fun.Everywhere there are free activites, amazing playground, free lagoons (saltwater shallow pools) for the whole family to enjoy.The true laid back nature is with everyone.And the streets are all exaclty the same as on Neighbours!
The difference in price here is astronomical.Even a sandwich costs 7 - 15 AUS$.I am really pleased that we have chosen to get a campervan as the cost of hotels and un-self catered food options would surely outweigh the cost of petrol and the van.The greyhound busses are only about $100 cheaper than my portion of the campervan hire.
Our first day in Cairns we adopted the laid back nature; it was a sunday after all!We walked along the harbour enjoying the sea breeze keeping our eyes pealed for the crocs!No swimming in the sea here - not even the locals!Having explored some of the centre of the town our late afternoon was spent relaxing in the lagoon enjoying the colour of my eyelids.
A free dinner provided by the hostel a several beers later we made a move back to the hotel.
The morning was filled with the excitement of collecting our Campervan!A bit of a mission slightly out of town (Cairns is much smaller than I ever anticipated, layed out with a block format which wouldn't take more than 20-30min brisk walk to get around really) we saw "Travelers Auto Barn" up ahead.A bit of a pollava with credit cards and a forgotten driving license; we eventually drove off with our van!Smaller than I perhaps initally imagined we went straight to Wilkinsons (no unfortunaly not my fav English store) but a very cheap supermarket!As we collected the basics; beer, squash, juice, MILK, bread, cerals and some bits for main meals, water and ice (for our hi-teck cool box/fridge) we chucked them into the back of the van and found ourselves a quiet beach-front car park.One hell of a mess and sort out later all of our clothes were beautifully folded into the under seat storage, the food was categorised into our snazzy kitchen unit and we were ready to roll!Before we knew it it was getting quite late.... to avoid paying $30 for a Cairns Campervan park we decided to sleep on the street (hahahhaha in the van of course :p).A sneeky shower in the public pool amenities later and a speedy call home we were tucked up in bed outside the hospital!And my my, I can't quite believe simply how comfertable the bed is!Although a little hot at times and bugs can be an issue as they fly towards the lights - I think we will be very comfertable in our house van!
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