87 KM30 August 2011
An early start and a sleepy drive up the coast (me sleepy, Sam driving), with beautiful sea views and secluded beaches, we arrived in famous Port Douglas.Know to be the rather snazzier and posher place near Cairns we went expecting huge yaughts and classy bars along the beach.I was pleasently surprised when the 4 mile Beach greated me with white sand, swimmable water (apart from the stingers / jelly fish) and a free public shower!God I needed a wash!
A tranquil stroll on the beach was rewarded by a home brew cup of coffee out the back of the van - the gas stove works a charm!
Our time in Port Douglas was short, but I hope I managed to see the main spots - one main street ran through the centre of the town, on which there were various shops, resturants, fat-free ice cream parlours and cafes.We drove up to the top of the town's hill to reach the look out point.Such a view over the beach, could very nearly see the end of the 4 mile strech, just a little mist causing visibility issues!The wheather was glorious, sun a blazing.
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