Banff, Alberta Mar 24, 2013 This is the River Spray just before it's confluence with the Bow River. This is another example of how cold it has been here. Tomorrow we go to Calgary for a brief look then onwards to New York.
Banff, Alberta Mar 24, 2013 The way this waterfall was very impressive with the water mainly below the snow and ice. The Bow River flows round the edge of Banff and this waterfall is 15mins from the centre.
Banff, Alberta Mar 24, 2013 We found various walks in around the town mainly on snow covered paths. On our last walk we encountered 3 mule deer enjoying grass which was not snow covered. Yes you have guessed it the battery had gone on my camera.
Banff, Alberta Mar 24, 2013 I am looking forward to my next game in April, assuming there is less snow in Tynemouth than out here.
Banff, Alberta Mar 24, 2013 After lunch today we set out to explore Banff. We started by walking the full length of the main street. Then we went onto the hot springs area and sneaked up to the eighth floor of the massive Fairmont Hotel to take this view of the Bow River.