Hellooooo from Melbourne (again!) sorry if you're getting bored of my Melbourne updates!
Today I've been a right busy bee. Slept til 7am...record for me at the moment so that was ace. I showered, stole the use of someone's GHD's (YYYYYAAAAY!) and went to the Queen Victoria Market round the corner for a mooch around. They had some nice stuff but who wants to buy a dress when you cant even try it on?! Not for me thanks. I went to Flinders Street to the visitor centre to ask about St Kilda and the zoo so got a super saver Sunday ticket for tomorrow to do those. I visited the Ian Potter Centre, which is an art gallery here. Was really cool and loved some pieces of work. It was also free so that was a bonus. I had dinner in a really quirky little cafe down a back street that id noticed the other day when i was trying to run from the rain. I had a cajun chicken panini with avocado...yum. Where did I go next????? Ummm, well i went on a Yarra River cruise at some point in the afternoon. On a boat called Florence on the Yarra. Was very windy but i managed to steal a seat at the front of the boat so got some pretty views. I went shopping late this afternoon at the Waterfront Shopping Centre (cant really remember if it was called that?) anyway, i got a dress. Everyone here is so funky i feel quite dressed down. I got back on the tram to Flinders St and wandered down to the river side to wait for the sunset. I was gonna wait for the buildings to be lit up and it to be dark but a conductor i spoke to this morning said to get the tram at 8.30pm as they stop around 9 and i might not get back to the hostel. Didn't want to be stuck in a random hole somewhere by myself so got back here around 9.15pm. The dorm has completely changed since last night. The two girls from Adelaide are still here but the other 7 checked out and so its going to be strange seeing who's in there now. Hope they're nice and not snorers!
Ive just actually remembered that I also went to Fitzroy Gardens. Saw Cooks Cottage and the fairy tree. Had a bit of a sunbathe too which was nice. Oh and i dont know if i mentioned that I saw 2 koalas yesterday?...i cant be bothered going back to read, but anyway, I did. One very sleepy wee thing and one very lively one jumping up to the top of the tree to get eucalyptus leaves. So cute.
Right, im off now to figure the putting photos on maybe? Dont count on it though!
Lots of love x
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