I did it! Im in Melbourne Australia! I actually have no idea what to write now im actually on the internet...hmm...Ill start from the beginning maybe up to now (bear in mind ive oly been here about 24 hrs!) The flights weren't too bad - I actually only got to the near tears stage with 2 1/2 hrs to go...bizarre! I sat next to a lovely couple called Tess & Bill to Dubai. They were going to Christchurch and it was going to take them 36 hrs. And I thought this journey was bad! We changed at Dubai which was much less hassle than I thought it would be, and then got the connecting flight to Singapore. Singapore airport is rubbish! I could barely find the toilets in there and then there were only 2 (and a squat toilet...niiiiice!) I sat next to a lovely guy on the Dubai to Melbourne section. He poured OJ down himself within the first 30mins! Haha. The scariest bit was the immigration bit. The card they brought round on the plane petrified me! I had to tick that I had soil on my trainers and that I had medicines AND food! I was scared they weren't going to let me in! They were really ok though and I got through no problems and even got to leave faster than most as an immigration guy stopped me on the way to getting my bag (how scared was I at this point?!) anyway, he just stamped my card after checking my no longer muddy trainers and off I went. I managed to find the Sky Bus outside the terminal and got that to the hostel.
Bloody scared when I got here I have to admit. I wondered what the hell I was doing. The dorm isn't too bad. I slept about 12 hrs since last night so not feeling too jet lagged. Ive spoken to a girl called Stephanie (i wonder how i remembered her name?!) who's German. She came travelling 4 months ago with her best friend but they separated about a month ago in Sydney and she met back up with her last night. She's really the only one I spoken to properly. The kitchen here is tiny tiny but to be honest I aint hungry. It's so bloody hot! I think it was about 35 degree's yesterday. I spent the day wandering a bit (didnt find anywhere of interest cos I didnt walk far enough and my legs were aching) I did however go to the gardens at the end of the street, called Flagstaff gardens I think. Its really pretty there and I just went and ate a bit and read Twilight in the shade. There were some mad head's running and doing squats in one corner which made me chuckle!
Think im gonna go into the centre of Melbourne today. I need to find a travel adaptor cos mine doesnt work. I have the biggest hair as my hairdryer doesnt work! Its cool though, its too hot to do anything but put it up in a bobble. Im going to try to book a tour to see the penguins on Phillip Island at the weekend sometime and I have a tour booked for tomorrow to do the Great Ocean Road. Oh and I have the obligatory Neighbours tour booked for Monday afternoon! I hope I meet Karl!!
Not much else to tell you right now. Sorry for rambling on, I cant even remember what ive rambled about if im honest! (Ill read this when I get home and wonder why i wittered on so much!) Im just trying to get something written before my pennies run out!
Love you all lots. xxxxxxxx
- comments
Meryl That wasn't rambling - that told us loads of stuff that would have got forgotten along the way - it brings it all to life x
Marjorie Taylor Great news ,glad to see you got there ok Things are the same here with lovely Tim and friends !!!!!! Take care and have a great time Love Marjorie xxxxxx
Stephanie Chambers Aw, I am so glad that your journey went ok my dear :) I canny believe there's a Stephanie, it's like you can't escape me!! There's reminders of me everywhere...mwahahaha. Ooh, all of the trips you have booked sound utterly stupendous...I am particularly jealous of the Neighbours tour. If you meet Dr. Karl or Susan please can you tell them I love them! Well, I hope that you have lots and lots of fun poppet....I shall look forward to your next update ♥ xxx