School is going better now. I have resorted to playing lots of games with the kids in between the dull bits, to keep them amused. They go crazy over hangman. Yesterday I got them to write a piece about themselves and I took them home to mark last night. They were so sweet. One girl said 'My favourite subject is English and I like teacher Sandra because she teaches well'. Bless! Blatant sucking up attempt but it's still nice to read. One other girl wrote a really sad piece, she has no one to look after her as I think her parents are ill and she said that she prays everyday to Jesus to send someone to help her and she wants to be a doctor so that she can look after her parents. She's only about 15.
I finish teaching around 11.30 then I go into town to meet the other volunteers for lunch. At 3 I go back to teach the Masai with Anya. The Masai move around a lot as they're herdsmen so education is generally inconsistant or non existant. They are so grateful though and enthusiastic, it's very rewarding. After that I take a 2 hour swahili class with Mr Lyimo, a short Morgan Freeeman lookalike. Apparently his name is Stephen, but he prefers to be known as Mr Lyimo. To me it makes him sound like a character in a storybook. It's pretty intense but fun too.
After my class this morning I found an envelope addressed to Miss Sandra. Inside was a message from Nelson (the geography, history and civics teacher). He'd cut out a piece of paper into a star shape and written the following:
"Hello Sandra,
The few days shared with you will be treasured by me. I really appreciate you Sandra, you're so kind, pleasant and also so cheerful to all of us. Really I treasure you today and forever. And this is my advice to you, set your standard high and you will deserve the best, try for what you want and never settle for rest, till your good is better and your better is best. The key to success is is your dream and faith is yourself. Then don't allow your past to control your future."
Maybe i shouldn't have written that on my blog in case he finds it one day, but it was just so nice it nearly made me cry. Everyone here is just so lovely. I have never met such kind, warm hearted, friendly people before. They have so little yet they give so much.
The cutest thing happened on the walk to the dala dala (local crazy taxi bus things) with Mary the other teacher. I got mobbed by about 7 or 8 of the most adorable young kids (can't have been older than 4). As soon as they saw me they sprinted over shouting 'Mzungu, mzungu, mzungu' and then grabbed hold of my hands and arms, kept hold and walked all the way to the dala dala with me. This appears to be a common occurance around here, as us white people are a rarity.
Hope all's well with everyone. Running out of time now. Byeeeee!
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