Well, I made it to Nairobi in one piece, and have already been out to feed the giraffes. Yay! :-) This place is incredible; so warm and friendly and different to anywhere I've ever been.
The flight was good. I swapped seats so that a smelly man could sit next to his drunk brother and so ended up sitting right at the back next to the loo. Nice! Not all bad though as I ended up sitting next to a free seat and a really nice girl called Liz, who was much better company than the smelly man.
Anyway, a nice chap was waiting for me the other side and whisked me away to the hotel. Well, he whisked as much as he could in the car park that is the Nairobi rush hour. Gave me lots of time to gaze out of the window at the bats hanging in the trees and the marabou storks (massive vulture type birds, that I probably spelt wrong!) who had set up camp in the trees in the middle of the road. Driving around reminded me of the bumper cars from the xmas party. :-)
I'm sharing a room tonight with a really nice swedish couple who are on the same gorilla trip. The hotel's actually nice too and even has a pool. Not that I've had time to use it though as after a quick nap I ran out straight away to the Langata Giraffe Park. The hotel sorted me a driver called Jimmy to take me there and back, and it was worth every penny that they swindled out of me. Unfortunately this pc is a piece of crap so I can't upload the photos yet, but I will do when I can. Giraffes are just the coolest animals ever. I got to feed them gross pellet things and they licked them out of my hands with their long, slimey blue tongues. I fed 2; 5 year old Kelly and 12 year old Laura.
Anyway, off to find a late lunch. We're all meeting up at 6 for a briefing on a the gorilla trip. I've just found out that we'll be looking for them in Rwanda instead of Uganda. All very exciting!
Take care,
Sandra xxx
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