Well I am finally back in New York City! I love it here!! The first day I didnt do anything because I arrived too late. I am staying at a difference place than last time, and since I forgot to organise my accomodation I ended up in this dodgy little place...I wouldnt recommend it :P
Anyway...the second day I got there was a long one. In the morning I got up early and met my friend siobhan who was from uni back home to have a look around. It was cool meeting up with her since, she is the first person from Perth I have seen in 6 months!! We just took a walk around the Rockefeller Centre and Times square catching up along the way.
That afternoon I went to see The Lion King on Broadway. It was amazing! It is not your typical musical with the jazz dance and big song numbers. It is based heavily on contemporary dance and has amazing sets, costumes and stage craft. The way in which they interpret the story through all of these leave you speechless!! I enjoyed every minute of it. The kids you played the young simba and nali were very good also considering they were only about 8 years old! The stand out role though is the lady who plays the monkey, very funny and amazing stage skills!
Anyway after it finished I met up with siobhan, her sister Emma and friend Tara. We walked from 45 th st and conintued uptown to try and get into Times square to see the ball drop for New Years. After having to walk all the way to about 59th st to actually get into 7th Avenue, we made our way slowly closer and closer to Times square. They only let you through one barrier at a time so you move one block every so often. You have to go through almost one person at a time so they can control the crowds. Its kinda annoying but it wastes times! We finally got to our last position around 50th st around 7pm...yes we had 5 long hours to wait until midnight!
slowly the hours was so incredibly cold and I thought I was going to get frostbite in my toes!! I probably didnt wear enough clothes as when I left that morning I didnt think it was going to be that cold! I discovered the next day that it was -7 in Times square and -16 if you factor in the wind chill!!!!
Finally midnight came and the ball was dropped. I must say though it was tiny and so not worth waiting in the cold for so long. I dont know why people go every year!! But I am glad I did it, it was worth it to say that I have had the experience but I wouldnt do it again!
The next morning I took a quick trip to Central Park to see it again in the winter and then I am off on the train to Philadelhia! I am sad to leave NYC so soon again!
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