Well we have now left Tofino and drove to Victoria with a couple of stops along the way.
The hostel was interesting, we were all packed in like sardines!! And now stairs and fourth floor! haha
We went out for a group dinner at an awesome Carribean restuarant. Next Melissa gave a quick walking tour of Victoria and then it was bed.
The next day Monday Kara and I just took a walk around town. First (after hitting starbucks :P) we took a stroll through Chinatown. Fan tan alley was were they used to sell opium in the 80's and is was quite weird.
After that we hit the harbour and took a tour around Parliament House which was really interesting! Then it was lunch and back on the bus all thw way on the ferry and to Vancouver :)
Tonight we stayed in HI Jericho. It was awesome, its like an old converted military college and very spacious. We walked to the beach and saw the best sunset I have ever seen in my entire life! It was incredible :)
Tomorrow we are off to Whistler!
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