The Tongariro Crossing is an 18km trek through the national park of Tongariro. It consists of hiking up the devils stair case, which is the steepest walk ive ever seen, for about 2 hrs. By the end of this first mission, you end up at the base of Mt Doom (this the Volcanoes name in 'Lord of the Rings' but i cnt remeber its real name!). it takes 3hrs to get to the top and back and i wasn't brave enough to try the accend! its more than a 45 degree angle all the way up i sware!! So then more climbing upwards until you reach the summit of Mt Tongariro! The w=views were amazing! The we came to the red crator, i have no idea how or why this is red but its really fookin cool! Now the decend through the valleys, this was so surreal, so peaceful and it was imbwetween to massive volacanoes! By now i had been trekking for around 4 and half hrs! the gradual slope downard was the worst! it took for ever and the sun was burning! eventually after s*** loads of hot walking i cooled off by entering the bush! i walked through the bush for about 1hrs and came to car park where i instantly crashed out and fell asleep until the bus came 40mins later! It was such an amzing walk and i now know why it is considered one of the worlds best day walks! What and experince i am so glad i did it! x
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