Well - here we are. The adventure has begun! After some minor speed bumps, we are in Mexico.
The speed bump I refer to is the fact that Justine and I forgot to organise our Brazilian Visas in advance... Resulting in her having to get it from the Brazilian embassy in Mexico City (she got denied the first time. Something about her photo being too ugly...)
And I got mine the day before I was due to fly out. Nothing like cutting it fine!
Flight to LA was brilliant. After too many drinks the night before I managed to sleep most of the way. My neighbour was an exceptionally interesting bloke from North Carolina and we had some brilliant discussions about some hot topics in America at the moment. Eg. Donald Trump - please don't win the election.
Standing in line at customs was where it got interesting. A fellow Australian girl and I noticed an abandoned bag. Hundreds of people had potentially passed it when we called security over. We debated to say it was ticking... To see if we could get the queue to move quicker. But decided against it.
LA was a scene of oversized utes (aka trucks) - seriously guys, are you compensating for something? The traffic makes no sense. Roundabouts don't exist, and you just have to trust that others will actually stop at a stop sign. More often than not, they don't.
Had a brilliant couple of days with my cousins which had beer tasting, cocktail making, wine drinking, sliders galore and some sight seeing. Already looking forward to getting back and seeing them again.
But now - here I am in Mexico City with Justine. The reunion was sweet, especially as it meant I got to offload some of the goodies I had packed for Justine. We went out for our first feed of tacos. Good god yes. Amazing! Had a night tour on a bus, to see all the sights. Pity the voiceover was Spanish. We made our own opinions on the history of many of the statues/buildings.
Now, as I write this. We are in a bar with Alfonso. An Italian lad we met on our bus tour. The language barrier is causing some hysterics. But surely after a few more tequilas, we will all speak fluent Spanish!
Stay tuned for more blog posts. If you dare. Or if you care...
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