Andy came over from London and we went to Audioscope07 at Carling Academy (formerly The Zodiac, formerly The Coven, formerly The Co-op Hall). It was a gig from 1.30pm - 11pm in aid of Shelter, organised by Andy's friend's friend. It was great to see some live music again though I fear things have moved on since I was going to gigs last as it was really LOUD! That or I'm old. I had a really good time. I got quite excited when a band came on that had set up not one, but four! drum kits, plus four synths. This is going to be interesting, I thought. Well, twenty minutes later, the four drummers were still playing the same repetative beat, the four synths were still playing long chords and one guy was still screaming into the mic and causing pain in my ears. Andy and Liz had been smart enough to bring earplugs. I tried retreating to the loos, but got so bored that I decided to go home. Personally I couldn't believe that 8 musicians had got together and thought that noise was a good idea. I think it was the musical equivalent of an installation at the Tate Modern.
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