What a day! The weather forecast was -bad- but I had bought cheap train tickets so it was going to take a typhoon to put me off, and luckily, the UK is too cold for them. I arrived about 11am and wandered around taking photos of the locations used in the BBC series Torchwood (Doctor Who's saucy spin-off). I went for lunch at Ramon's Cafe which featured in episode 10 - Random Shoes. Veggie breakfast for £3.20 and it was delicious! Then I was outside the Millennium Stadium when I was asked for directions by a guy and girl from Dundee who turned out to be Doctor Who fans doing exactly the same thing that I was doing, only without a map, so we teamed up and headed off to the Millennium -Centre-!
Well, we were soaked to the skin but it was totally worth it to see the Millennium Fountain and stand on the perception filter - you can see in the photos how we disappear! If you've never seen Doctor Who or Torchwood, the photos will mean nothing, unless you went to Cardiff Uni, of course.
It then stopped raining in time for us to go to the Doctor Who Exhibition where Rachel and Adam were in seventh heaven! It was great having my own personal guides to remind me of all the episodes and enemy aliens that I'd forgotten about.
To any geeks, er fans, of Doctor Who or Torchwood, Cardiff is definitely worth the pilgrimage.
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